HOUSE (’77): No point in trying to describe this, because it’s indescribable, by design. I definitely subscribe to the “everyone should see this at least once” theory, because it’s like Picasso dropped acid-level bonkers, and that sort of creativity (and guts to actually film it) should be at least admired if not celebrated. Personally I enjoyed the hell out of it, even if it definitely achieved its goal of being incomprehensible. #horror #wtfwasthat
I've done the post Endwalker role quest thing, and.... yeah, that's getting re-written for the Shield and Songbird.... #FinalFantasyXIV #MMO #Endwalker #WTFWasThat
#finalfantasyxiv #mmo #endwalker #wtfwasthat
Character design for a comic project #wtfwasthat #comic #horror #CharacterDesign
#CharacterDesign #horror #comic #wtfwasthat
WTF Was That?: Ultra Trippy Rick And Morty Promo Vid #imnotsurewhatijustwatchedbutilikedit #drugsandalcohol #rickandmorty #wtfwasthat?! #advertising #freakydeaky #animation #countmein #marketing #cartoons #trippy #ohwow #shows #acid #ohmy
#imnotsurewhatijustwatchedbutilikedit #drugsandalcohol #rickandmorty #wtfwasthat #advertising #freakydeaky #animation #countmein #marketing #cartoons #trippy #ohwow #shows #acid #ohmy