kcturtlemo · @kcturtlemo
28 followers · 57 posts · Server mastodon.world

The exotic ingredients get crazier with every recipe

#cooking #foodierecipes #wtfwednesday

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
241 followers · 507 posts · Server cinematheque.social

Doctor Zhivago (1965 UK) Its and todays entry is this epic film centered around the Russian revolution of the turn of the 19th century. Omar Shariff and Julie Christie star as lovers caught up in the times.tinyurl.com/mrynwppe

#wtfwednesday #film #movie #cinema #tcmparty

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
235 followers · 493 posts · Server cinematheque.social

Gone With the Wind (1939 US) Its and todays entry is this oh so troubled film. 1940 was a very difficult year for the Academy. Its like a bad gift that they cant get rid of no matter how hard they try. tinyurl.com/5xwjnxr3

#wtfwednesday #film #movies #cinema #tcmparty #oscars

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
233 followers · 462 posts · Server cinematheque.social

Todays third entry into is American Beauty (1999 US) Kevin Spacey stars as an unhappy middle aged dude that seduces his teenage daughters best friend to you know "spice his life up a bit". tinyurl.com/yeytf6np Oscars

#wtfwednesday #film #movies #cinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
233 followers · 461 posts · Server cinematheque.social

Bridge on the River Kwai (1957 UK, US) Another entry. Obi Wan Kenobi oops I mean Alec Guinness stars as the ranking commander of a group of POWs held captive by the Japanese in WWII Thailand. tinyurl.com/2kbvvhtv

#wtfwednesday #film #movies #cinema #oscars

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
232 followers · 460 posts · Server cinematheque.social

The English Patient (1996 US) its Wednesday and my favorite day of the week. Why? Because its . A day to celebrate filmmaker, studio and academy WTF choices. I would love to tell you what this film is about but I can't. I tried to watch it twice and couldn't get through it. tinyurl.com/4hhf7cxt

#wtfwednesday #film #movies #oscars

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
225 followers · 421 posts · Server cinematheque.social

Border (2018 SW) From the writer of Let The Right One In (John Ajvide Lindqvist) comes this bonkers love story of Border Agent Tina and drifter Vore. I have decided this belongs in the box but not in the box and here is why. Blue Lagoon takes your hand and guides you into a decency void that nobody belongs in. This film does not take your hand and guide you into anything except a relationship drama. You go to weird ass places all by yourself. When you do realize your own inherent sensibilities that help you navigate the day told you to turn left into a muddy field, you get kinda salty. This film gave audiences a significant reaction. That takes talent both in directing and writing. I challenge you to challenge your own software and watch this with an eye on how you feel and why you feel that way. Another standout of this film is make up. These two actors look nothing like this photo. Find it on Hulu and Amazon and for rent on most streaming.

#shitmyeyesareburing #wtfwednesday #lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
225 followers · 420 posts · Server cinematheque.social

Its and todays entry is a Blizzard warning in Southern California. WTF!! Besides that there is Blue Lagoon (1980 US) Not only does this fit into WTFWednesday but also . Cousins, about 8 years old, get shipwrecked on an island and left trying to figure out survival and their own sexuality. Ultimately, they have a baby. Brook Shields was 14 when this was made. Who tf thought this was a good idea? Shields recently said on her podcast that this film would not get made today. Oh, Honey I didn't even want to put up most of the screen shots of the film. I don't want the God damn FBI breaking down my door cuz I have child porn on my computer. The BTS stories are even more problematic as the film. Where were the adults on the island? Rotten Tomatoes has given it an 8% rating. What I want to know is who those 8% are? This film seriously needs to be scrubbed and shot into the sun. What's even more revolting is it made money and spawned sequels. Before this Shields played a 12 year old prostitute in Pretty Baby (1978 US). This film featured nude scenes of Shields and critics defended it as art and not child porn. I honestly hope that this type of film never gets made again. Please don't watch it.

#wtfwednesday #shitmyeyesareburning #lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
214 followers · 375 posts · Server cinematheque.social
Victoria · @Victoriak
214 followers · 374 posts · Server cinematheque.social

It’s and todays entry is Pillow Talk (1959 US) Rock Hudson and Doris Day star in this screwball comedy. I was flying back from a film fest in Spain and the entertainment was broken on the plane leaving only this film and few others. I was bored so I watched it. I’m going to put this into the category. I hadn’t seen the film in awhile and watched it with a more modern eye. I think I counted six assaults on Doris Day not to mention all of the lying to her. It was so hard to watch. Talk about cringe. But I was a captive audience. This film actually got recognized by the Film Academy and Day won for best actress. Wtf . Find it on broken planes and for rent on most streaming.

#wtfwednesday #shitmyeyesareburning #oscar #lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema

Last updated 2 years ago

NOLA jules · @NOLAjules
86 followers · 214 posts · Server mstdn.party

Best purchase ever. Never worrying about decisions again!


Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
198 followers · 315 posts · Server cinematheque.social

It’s time for in and todays entry is AI (2001 US). I actually love this film but not for the reasons you think. I like to play a little game called “spot the Kubrick” when I watch it. I once wrote a very long essay on this because there is just so much to talk about. Stanley Kubrick bought the rights to it long before it went into production. He commissioned a writer to write a treatment. He asked Steven Spielberg to direct because he felt that it was closer to his sensibilities. Spielberg declined. Kubrick continued development but then the unthinkable happened. He died. Spielberg agreed to take up the mantle and get it made in honor of his friend Kubrick. Spielberg vowed to keep the film as close to Kubricks vision as possible. What emerged was as producer Bonnie Curtis pointed out was an “F’ed up Spielberg movie and a warm and fuzzy Kubrick film”. These two could not be farther apart in style. Haley Joel Osment stars as the android designed to be a loving son. Jude Law stars as the android designed for sex. Because male prostitutes are a signature of Spielberg films. Having said that Kubrick was right. Spielberg does a better job of emotionally investing the audience than Kubrick. Considering the story was Pinocchio, a fairy tale, Spielberg was better suited. Ultimately audiences were, WTF did I just watch? Find it on Amazon and for rent in most streaming.

#wtfwednesday #scifijanuary #scifi #sciencefiction #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
160 followers · 237 posts · Server cinematheque.social

Moonfall (2022) The moon starts to fall to Earth but mostly the US. Stars Halle Berry and Patrick Wilson as NASA Astronauts. This is another entry into the Why? well first this script was a giant plot hole that I don't even know where to start. It had a lot (a lot) of WTF lines that alone will pull you right out of the movie. "The governor has issued an evacuation order for the west coast". I didn't know we had a governor for the west coast. My favorite, "you have 28 minutes to prep Space Shuttle Endeavor for launch". Yes the one that's been sitting in a museum for years. They pulled it out to fly to the moon. Its like it was put together by someone who knows absolutely nothing about the US or science for that matter. Oh wait! It was made by mostly Filmmakers outside the US. They spent a great deal of time in Los Angeles but knew nothing about it nor did they film there. Griffith Observatory-Green screen and obvious at that. The script had the most obvious disaster movie troupes. Its like they rented a troupe bag and ran them all. The big reveal at the end actually had a compelling hook but the way it was presented was like "wait...what?" why didn't you explore that and leave the disaster movie tropes in the waste bin. You only have so much time. Poor Halle Berry. She looked like she was going to beg the audience for help at any moment. The effects were stock. I mean literally stock. Pre fab effects you can buy. Some were good though. Colorado was painfully obviously a sound stage and fake snow. I really could go on and on and on. But it was just too much stuff pulling the viewer out. Budget ~140 million US dollars. It lost a LOT of money. Find it on HBO and HULU and also for rent. -Fi

#wtfwednesday #scifijanuary #scifi #sci #sciencefiction #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Victoria · @Victoriak
160 followers · 235 posts · Server cinematheque.social

Generally I try to keep posts positive. There is always something to enjoy about a film. Everybody takes away something different. I get that. Lord knows I have a few favorites that are not very good. When I was a kid I was enthralled by Sheena Queen of the Jungle. Saw it several times. Don’t judge me. But… there are a few films that make it so dificult to watch that it deserves an entry into .


Last updated 2 years ago

Ludibriumventis · @ludibriumventis
179 followers · 517 posts · Server wandering.shop

I saw this dried-out seed case of some sort in the Garfield Park Conservatory, today, but couldn't find any identifying information.

Any ideas? (It was a bit larger than a softball.)

#wtfwednesday #whatisthis #tropicalplant #greenhouse

Last updated 2 years ago

Machine · @Machine
42 followers · 442 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

You know, voters turned their back on Hilary Clinton because they assumed, portrayed, projected that she was the "chosen one"... f#@kin' tRump ... literally ... said he is the ...

#chosenone #wtfwednesday #batshitcraycraytrump #votethemout

Last updated 6 years ago

Badly-optimised primate · @moopet
147 followers · 2413 posts · Server toot.cafe

Half a denari for me bloody life story?

The "d" Britain used to use to denote pence (where 1s6d meant "one shilling and 6 pence") comes from "denari".


Last updated 6 years ago