#WTOdisputesettlement is set to dominate the #MC13
"Delegations have embarked on an ambitious quest to reform the system, while the enormity of the task is becoming ever clearer," writes our Deputy Editor Chris Horseman
#wtodisputesettlement #mc13 #wtoreform
NEW—on interim arbitration set up by some #WTO members as an alternative, when formal dispute settlement appeals cannot function:
1. “The MPIA: What’s New?”—by Joost Pauwelyn
Part 1 https://ielp.worldtradelaw.net/2023/02/the-mpia-whats-new-part-i.html
Part 2 https://ielp.worldtradelaw.net/2023/02/the-mpia-whats-new-part-ii.html
Part 3 https://ielp.worldtradelaw.net/2023/03/the-mpia-whats-new-part-iii.html
2. Dmitry Grozoubinski has updated the independent “WTO Plurilaterals” web page based on Joost Pauwelyn’s articles
3. And I’ve updated my own page with links to all four pieces https://tradebetablog.wordpress.com/2020/08/04/arbitration-wto-appeals/#read