"Preparing"? 🤣🤣 All you have to do is see the ledes in MSM! #WuhanFlu is back! #China is simultaneously preparing to arm #Russia in #Ukraine, even as #Zelensky praises China for 'respecting territorial integrity' & China arranges Ru/Uke peace talks https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2023/02/24/us-power-alliance-says-its-preparing-an-information-war-against-china/
#russia #ukraine #zelensky #wuhanflu #china
@kdx125 Accountability isn't practiced anymore. EVERYONE involved in the #WuhanFlu/#mRNA development crap MUST be held accountable, but it'll never happen. Fauci will get his $350k/year government pension for illegal Gain of Function research and sanctioning of animal torture with ZERO repercussion.
Covid just Hit China Really Hard - They Can't Hide it This Time!
#restrictions #serpentza #covid #lockdown #wuhanflu
Just finished watching Eric Thompson's new show where he talked about the Biden administration wanting to go door-to-door to force people to get the jab, and other news. If you like his stream as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to his channel, and check out his other videos.
#joshwhotv #livestream #doortodoor #jab #wuhanflu #obama
Just finished watching DuckHK's new video about how 90 percent of the Vancouver community developed natural herd immunity to the Wuhan Flu last year. If you like the video as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to his channel, and check out his other videos!
#joshwhotv #HerdImmunity #jab #wuhanflu #duckhk
Just watched DuckHK's new video analyzing China's announcement that China is going to build over two dozen labs like the Wuhan Institute over the next five years. If you like his video as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to his channel, and spread his JoshWho TV videos around.
#wuhanflu #wuhanlabs #China #biolabs #duckhk
I wonder if anyone ever tested known, in-use flu vaccines against the #ChinaVirus... #WuhanFlu #Flu2021 #FollowTheMoney
#Flu2021 #wuhanflu #followthemoney #chinavirus
#COVID #COVID19 #corona #coronavirus #wuhanflu #FAUCIFLU #HOAXAVIRUS
@TurdFerguson Congratulations. I have an older 416 if I remember. I would love to upgrade to the new 9xx series box, but until #wuhanflu goes away I'm conserving cash. You will love the Synology. I use the Synology Drive app which lets me us my NAS as a cloud storage devices like Box or OneDrive. Fantatic and no one but me has the data. Enjoy!
Studies are starting to show that 10-20x people have actual contracted #wuhanflu. https://www.foxnews.com/health/coronavirus-antibody-testing-finds-bay-area-infections-85-times-higher-reported-researchers
@adam @Johncdvorak this is interesting on the whole #wuhanflu story. https://youtu.be/Gdd7dtDaYmM
@ikepigott STOP!!!! The screens can't filter #wuhanflu! You're killing people!!!!! #amigdalaexploding
Watch "As Global Outbreak Spreads, Health Officials Take Stronger Containment Measures | Subverse News" on YouTube
RT @Brittan28625573@twitter.com
A doctor in #Wuhan has leaked information from #Huoshenshan , the new 1,000 bed hospital (quarantine facility), on 4chan that suggests upwards of 200-400 deaths per day. Many more than being reported. #Coronavirus #wuhanpnemonia #wuhanpneumonia #wuhanflu #coronaoutbreak
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Brittan28625573/status/1226255340062289920
#CoronaOutbreak #wuhanflu #WuhanPneumonia #Wuhanpnemonia #Coronavirus #Huoshenshan #wuhan
On Sunday, when @THErealDVORAK_bot was taking about Han Chinese susceptibility to the #wuhanflu, he mentioned the Weigers.
If you want to follow the bioengineered rabbit hole, China's distrust of that population would make for a great starting point.