250m! Losing steam really fast.
(Toot out of order because I thought this had posted earlier but it didn’t apparently)
Literally crying right now
And this is the last scenery shot because I’m in clouds now and visibility is about 200m
If you asked me 20 minutes ago whether or not I’d continue past here I’d have said no.
I’m still not sure I’m going to make the summit but it’s 1250m above me so I’m gonna give it the old college try.
Last convenience stores before the top. And dinner closes at my hotel at the summit at 7pm so I’m gonna bring some extra food just in case. I’m also going to try to call them and let them know I may be *very* late.
The views on this climb make it worth it. Currently still at 50/50 I make it.
Made it up to Puli which is where most people count the “start” of the climb. So here’s a photo for posterity.
Something something “today was a good climb. We will celebrate … with a climb. For tomorrow we climb”
Por volumen de ventas, la #china #Wuling 🇨🇳 domina el mercado con un 18,3%, seguida de #Volvo 🇸🇪 (14,4%), #BMW 🇩🇪(13,2%), #ORA 🇨🇳 (12,2%) y #Mercedes 🇩🇪 (8,6%).
Por países, #Tailandia 🇹🇭concentró la mayoría de compras de vehículos eléctricos en la segunda mitad de 2022 con un 59,2%. A mucha distancia le siguieron #Indonesia 🇮🇩 (25,2%), #Singapur 🇸🇬 (11,8%), #Malasia 🇲🇾 (3,1%), #Vietnam 🇻🇳 (0,7%) y #Filipinas 🇵🇭 (0,02%).
🖼️ Hiroko Oshima
#china #wuling #volvo #BMW #ora #mercedes #tailandia #indonesia #singapur #malasia #Vietnam #filipinas
Just saw a Wuling Mini EV in our compound. They're not very common in Shanghai. It made a satisfying whiny noise when it pulled away, just like the cars in SciFi kids shows I used to watch a few decades ago.