@chrisashtear If a grue doesn’t get you, the #Wumpus will. Right, @codinghorror?
NEU IM BLOG: Wumpusjagd – die erste Game Map der Videospielgeschichte
von Nele Abels
“Hunt the Wumpus” von Gregory Yob (1973) ist das erste Computerspiel überhaupt, bei dem die Spieler eine Karte eines Höhlensystems zeichnen müssen, um zu gewinnen. In diesem Artikel soll dieses kleine aber wichtige Computerspiel von allen Seiten betrachtet und durchgespielt werden.
Link: https://www.videospielgeschichten.de/wumpusjagd-die-erste-game-map-der-videospielgeschichte/
@emptywheel I’ve been thinking of some sort of ridiculous retort like the Brits do, ya know? Like, you namby pamby manchild sniffle wumpus! How about his current Twitter location at HQ in SFO? And also something really insulting to his ego, like his clear inability to play chess in the real world without whining about people being mean to him. #onlygoodforcheckers #notthatbrightafterall #wumpus
#onlygoodforcheckers #notthatbrightafterall #wumpus
This weekend I started my third attempt to learn #rust. The first two times, I gave up in disgust at how hard it was to do something as simple as a tree. This time I've resolved to put up with that, so I can find out whether the reliability features are worth my while.
I will say, I'm pleased with the enums: #AlgebraicDataTypes, with the matching features that come with them, plus methods.
I've been working through _The Rust Programming Language_. Last night I banged out a #wumpus game.
#rust #algebraicdatatypes #wumpus
Source port of the text adventure Hunt the Wumpus (1973) to Fortran 2008: Find and kill the horrendous beast Wumpus that lurks in a cave full of dangers.
#textadventure #wumpus #fortran #basic