I really need to commit some more time to messing around with @Superlist. Haven’t loaded it for a while, new updates came in just then and here’s the changelog. Still waiting for web and mobile app.
Why use it? *shrug* It’s from the makers of #Wunderlist. Good enough for me.
"Uso" a #app para #Android de Tasks.org... mas gostaria de ter também versão em web e em escritório... 😑
Gostava de #Wunderlist (que comprou #Microsoft) e usei muito a versão de graça de #TickTick
Tenho um problema semelhante procurando uma alternativa ao #GoogleCalendar...
O mundo de #Nextcloud, DAVx⁵, WebDAV, CalDAV, CardDAV e demais, escapa ao meu entendimento e habilidades...
#app #android #wunderlist #microsoft #ticktick #googlecalendar #nextcloud #todo #todolist #agenda #calendario #tasksorg
Highly exciting. I heard from #Superlist - if you don't know what that is, go here https://www.superlist.com/ - to confirm that I'll be included in the upcoming batches of invites to try the tech. Have been waiting for months with no invite and it turns out that it's because I use Windows and they only have it out for Mac, iOS and Android. Well, I have all of those. Web version is next I think, followed paradoxically by the best OS of all, Windows. Whatever.
Can't wait to use it. These people created #Wunderlist back in the day and I and my wife used the absolute hell out of that for many diff things.
@dinofuss So gut! #TweetBot, #Reeder und #Wunderlist. Die waren bei mir auch drauf!
Помниться было приложение #wunderlist которое в 2015 г. году купила #microsoft
В 2017 г., компания заявила, что wunderlist будет закрыт. Microsoft выпустила на наработках, своё приложение Microsoft To-Do. Есть подозрение, что с 2ГИС будет тоже самое. Microsoft 🖕 Сбербанк 🖕
Still salty about Microsoft killing #Wunderlist, MS Todo isn't nearly as good.
Somehow, this "Choose a to-do list app" -> "App is discontinued" sequence has happened to me three times.
Freeloading on Remember The Milk, one of the few with both cloud sync AND a Linux app.
Can anyone recommend a #privacy friendly #notes and #tasks app for #Android and PC that also has a feature that allows to me to email notes into it?
Basically I'm looking for something like #wunderlist
@joplinapp would be great, but I can't email notes to it.
#iamdad #productivity #joplin #wunderlist #android #tasks #notes #privacy
#Wunderlist #Superlist whatever.
Time to switch to a task management solution that will never go away & support your personal requirements wherever you go: https://karl-voit.at/orgmode/
#PIM #orgmode #lockin #cloud
#wunderlist #Superlist #pim #orgmode #lockin #cloud
@BarbNerdy ich fand #Wunderlist schon ziemlich genial. Vllt. gelingt ihnen ja nochmal ein großer Wurf. Antesten ist ja quasi Pflicht für mich :D
@BarbNerdy ja. Herr Reber wollte #wunderlist eigentlich von Microsoft zurückkaufen. Wollten die aber nicht mitmachen. Jetzt macht er mal eben ne neue App ... Made in Berlin!
Eine weitere Ära geht zu Ende. Tschüs #Wunderlist. Microsoft To Do finde ich okay, aber so wirklich glücklich macht es mich nicht. Quire ist super, aber wiederum zu komplex. #deadpool #gtd #todolists #tasks
#wunderlist #deadpool #gtd #todolists #Tasks
Well you mean like #wunderlist? Jap, but I can't wait to introduce my colleagues into nextcloud
Opening this one up to everyone on this lovely #mastomonday:
Any suggestions for good #opensource task management tools (whether #fediverse-capable or not) to replace #Wunderlist?
Looks like Quire (quire.io) has an amazing interface and is free, but it's closed-source. It'd be nice to find something similar that's self-hostable.
#wunderlist #fediverse #opensource #mastomonday
@wezm I didn't know that #wunderlist was shutting down until you mentioned it, actually. Any suggestions for good #opensource task management tools (whether #fediverse-capable or not)?
#fediverse #opensource #wunderlist
Microsoft shuts down #Wunderlist in May next year. Where’s my surprised face?
Und wieder ein Grund mehr, sich nicht von #ClosedSource und #Microsoft abhängig zu machen #Wunderlist wird eingestellt.
#closedsource #microsoft #wunderlist
Suche Empfehlungen für eine #ToDo-Anwendung:
- Multi user (mit Teilen-Funktion)
- self hosted
- Web interface
- android app
- Listen
Also quasi einen Ersatz für #Wunderlist.