#DocC is awesome. I’m surprised more people haven’t been talking about it since it was introduced at #WWDC21. I have tried similar systems in the past, like Doxygen, but they have been too much work and diverged too far from my workflow. DocC fits in perfectly with my style of coding and feels like almost no work. It’s even fun sometimes.
#Swift #Xcode #Markdown
#DocC #wwdc21 #Swift #Xcode #markdown
iOS 15、2段階認証のコード自動生成機能が内蔵されました #WWDC21 | ギズモード・ジャパン
ブログ更新:Apple、WWDC 2021にてmacOS 12.0″Monterey”、iOS 15/iPad OS 15、Watch OS 8などを発表。開発者向けDP版は本日より利用可能
#かのあゆブログ #macOSMonterey #iOS15 #iPadOS15 #WatchOS8 #WWDC21
#wwdc21 #watchOS8 #iPadOS15 #iOS15 #macOSMonterey #かのあゆブログ
I love Swift but it's cross-platform story isn't great so I don't use it much. #WWDC21
tbh the apple maps updates really suggest that apple car is a thing #WWDC21