@nyquildotorg @antijingoist For context, Private Access Tokens were introduced in #Safari 16 during #wwdc22 for the purpose of replacing captchas: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10077/ and https://webkit.org/blog/12840/web-platform-and-web-extensions-features-highlighted-at-wwdc22/ - it’s a way to solve the problem of detecting automated vs human access to a web service.
Me estoy dando cuenta que no he usado la opción SharePlay en un Facetime en mi vida #wwdc22
How beautiful are those new charts?
Apple rocked my world on #WWDC22 releasing their new charting library SwiftCharts, and it is *really* impressive! Check out some of the new charts you’ll soon be able to build. 😍📈📊
Pies, donuts and rings are also coming!
@dimsumthinking the SwiftUI features from #wwdc22 are all UI focused, still a lot required to get the data in the right shape and make the shared experience right for the users.
What kind of magic is this?? Checking the new #Regex builder in #Swift 5.7 — Take a look at the two regex sessions in #wwdc22
So neat! 🧼🧽🛀 #cleancode
#cleancode #wwdc22 #swift #regex
Replace #CAPTCHAs with #PrivateAccessTokens - #WWDC22 - #Videos - #Apple #Developer #web
#captchas #PrivateAccessTokens #wwdc22 #videos #apple #developer #web
Que bochorno ver esto.. que el puto CEO de la compañía actúe como si hubiese visto o tocado el producto por primera vez... Apple necesita a alguien como Jobs, que le pase la lengua a cada producto de ser necesario, que respire Apple, que viva Apple..
RT @briantong
The New M2 MacBook Air.
'How does it feel Tim?' #WWDC22
RT @TheAppleDesign
Apple fact #6
In 2006 Apple worked on a macOS feature called “shrinkydink” which never saw the light of day
in 2022 at #WWDC22 Apple announced a feature called “Stage Manager”
The same team that worked on shrinkydink also worked on Stage Manager
Looks familiar?
RT @gregnacu@twitter.com
I got inspired by #WWDC22. #C64 #6502CPU #RetroComputing #atari What do you think?
#wwdc22 #c64 #6502CPU #retrocomputing #atari
RT @GuillaumeRozier
Thank you for naming @CovidTracker_ and @ViteMaDose_off as good examples of digital apps @tim_cook. It was a pleasure to meet you last year! These apps are the result of the hard work of dozens of French contributors, thank you to all of them. 🙏🏻
@cliquetv #WWDC22
De traca ir a ver una conferencia, grabada en video y bajo el sol. Por mucho Apple Park que sea. Claro, seguramente después habían otras cosas o te encontrabas con viejos colegas, pero de nuevo, de traca BAJO EL SOL!!
RT @applesfera
🚨¡Nuevo podcast ya disponible! 🚨
@pedroaznar nos cuenta, recién llegado de Cupertino, lo que es vivir una #WWDC22 desde el mismísimo Apple Park. Y junto a @jcfmunoz, los detalles importantes de la prese…
This was amazing and a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who participated <3
RT @WWDCCommunity
8 mins to go and the host are getting ready for WWDCTrivia...
@kkostov, @breakthesystem (@Telemetry_Deck), @ralasi_ (@swiftanytime)
Are you ready?
Join us! https://discord.gg/FejwQng5
Come join us have a fun time, answer cool questions, play with code, and maybe even win something 🥳🥳🥳
RT @WWDCCommunity
Happening in 50 mins is the WWDCTrivia with @kkostov @breakthesystem and @ralasi_! Test yourself with #WWDC22 related questions, a fun coding challenge and meet new friends!😊
Join us here: https://discord.com/events/980273736118845450/983870421113913445
See yah! 👋
WWDC-adjacent trivia night, with yours truly as one of the moderators! Join the discord now and pick a team, and impress everyone with your knowledge 😎😎😎 (top 3 teams also win TelemetryDeck plans for life!)
RT @WWDCCommunity
Are you ready to test your #WWDC22 knowledge and meet new friends along the way?
Join us on Thursday, 9/June 8am PDT / 17:00 CEST for an hour of fun at our discord server:
La mort prochaine des mots de passe ? 🙏
RT @rmondello@twitter.com
New #WWDC22 video: Meet passkeys. Watch it! Garrett, on the team I manage, does a great job!
Video covers what passkeys are, their features, how to talk to users about them, implementing them, how their security works, and how passkeys relate to MFA/2FA. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10092/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rmondello/status/1534216595412725760
RT @themikestern
Big Apple design news: We redesigned the Apple Human Interface Guidelines. It's now a single unified HIG, tons of content updates, completely reorganized, improved search, related video links, and more. Way more coming later this summer and year! https://developer.apple.com/design/ #WWDC22
Sounds like #apple now drew some inspiration from the Linux desktop instead of vice versa :D
RT @oskargroth
Diving into macOS Ventura. First up, About This Mac! It now lives in the redesigned System Preferences (Settings), which is much sleeker and easy to navigate than the old preferences #WWDC22
Ooh this is really nice!
RT @natpanferova
I couldn’t wait to play with the new SwiftUI navigation APIs! I wrote an article to summarize my first experience with NavigationStack and NavigationSplitView, it includes programmatic navigation too! Can’t wait to learn more throughout the week! #WWDC22