@Tim_Eagon @Arkanjil @ubergrog I’m really into Kevin Crawford’s #WithoutNumber system (#SWN, #WWN, #CWN). The only reason a group I know still plays 5e is the convenience of the e-book sharing through DND Beyond. For pure fantasy I’d rather try #TDE or #CypherSystem with #Planebreaker. I’d really like to find a group to play #TopSecretNWO.
#withoutnumber #swn #wwn #cwn #tde #cyphersystem #planebreaker #topsecretnwo
Cities Without Number free version released! https://www.tenkarstavern.com/2023/09/free-osr-cities-without-number-free.html #TTRPG #CitiesWithoutNumber #SWN #CWN #WWN
#ttrpg #CitiesWithoutNumber #swn #cwn #wwn
Daily check in on #PretenderToTheFlame I've planned out the stat blocks I need to make, maps I need to draw, and mechanical bits I need to figure out. Anyone have good inspirational maps for me?
I've failed at planning and have no way to play test between the first and second drafts like I normally do. This adventure is more than one sessions worth, I need to have time to plan and run another game near Halloween. Its not the end of the world, just unfortunate.
#pretendertotheflame #ttrpg #AdventureDesign #wwn
I've written around 500 words today in #PretenderToTheFlame and completed the main body of the first draft. Before I move on to the second, I need to make firm decision on how to name and refer to certain groups and rough in some mechanical bits (creature stats, some weather effects, etc).
Considering I set the deadline for this as 9/15 I'm pretty ahead of schedule here. Hopefully I can stay that way.
#pretendertotheflame #ttrpg #AdventureDesign #wwn
I wrote a grand total of 300 words in #PretenderToTheFlame today. (tagging so people can mute)
I'm slowly realizing that everything I've written so far is entirely system agnostic. I've not touched the actual mechanical bits of any of the antagonists or hazards mentioned yet.
I also realized I'm going to have to go back to older sections and add description to make everything match, which is unfortunate. I guess this is what first drafts are for.
#pretendertotheflame #ttrpg #AdventureDesign #wwn
Its creator day over at itch.io which means I get 100% of sales on my projects today. All my stuff is pay what you want, so you can even pick them up for free if you want.
You can find all my projects at: https://lbonnette.itch.io/
I have a couple smaller games, some #DnD adventures, one #WWN adventure, and a couple small generation tools all available there.
#TTRPG #CreatorsDay
After playing Remnant 2 on release and a sickness that wouldn't go away, I'm finally back to drafting. Finished another 1075 word location description today so I'm up to 2/6 location descriptions.
It doesn't sound like much, but its more than what has been getting done.
Today's location was the Ashen Forest. Its the seat of power for a local religion that worships a volcano god. Their city is build on the mountain side around a set of hot springs.
Day 6's #RPGaDAY2023 prompt is "Favourite game you never get to play"
"The best song will never get sung
The best life never leaves your lungs
So good, you won't ever know" --- Wilco, /Late Greats/
There's a game rattling around in my brain; I see hints of it reading Apocalypse World and #pbta games, Errant, Dungeon Crawl Classics (#dcc), Whitehack (#whiteHack), #traveller, #blackSwordHack, #wwn/#swn, and #diaspora. Maybe others.
A game about exploration and the antics of desparation.
#rpgaday2023 #pbta #DCC #whitehack #traveller #blackswordhack #wwn #diaspora
Of course there are #Shadowdark and #TalesOfTheValiant out or coming out soon. But with #Hasbro’s #WotC’s latest scandal, I think people might be interested in adjacent systems or different systems altogether. Here are a few:
#WithoutNumber #SWN #WWN #CWN (B/X-Traveller mash-up) and my personal choice #OSR
#TDE #TheDarkEye for the last 40 years #DasSchwarzeAuge #DSA (English, TDE) has been the most popular #TTRPG in the German speaking world.
#CS #CypherSystem multi-genre contemporary system
#wotc #shadowdark #talesofthevaliant #hasbro #withoutnumber #swn #wwn #cwn #osr #tde #TheDarkEye #dasschwarzeauge #dsa #ttrpg #cs #cyphersystem
finished a homebrew class for #worldsWithoutNumber today! the Champion class is an alternative to the default warrior with more of a focus on flashy maneuvers than raw numerical strength, that i made for use in my own games. threw it up on my itch page for anyone else who wants to use it!
#WorldsWithoutNumber #wwn #homebrew #osr #class
@MerricB @LeviKornelsen and he’s made it as a sandbox system full of tools for the GM with minimal but interesting setting fluff that can be used whole cloth or jettisoned completely. #scifi #SWN #StarsWithoutNumber
#fantasy #WWN #WorldsWithoutNumber
#cyberpunk #CWN #CitiesWithoutNumber
#scifi #swn #starswithoutnumber #fantasy #wwn #WorldsWithoutNumber #cyberpunk #cwn #CitiesWithoutNumber
@LeviKornelsen I'm here for it all. #ttrpg of most any form (#osr but not the bro part). Love #pbta and #forgedInTheDark as well as those odd hacks. #traveller and #withoutNumber #wwn #swn #cwn
#ttrpg #osr #pbta #forgedinthedark #traveller #withoutnumber #wwn #swn #cwn
#WithoutNumber #SWN #WWN #CWN
#B5 #Babylon5
#OSR gaming not BroSR gaming
#passengerrail #dragonkingsproject #Space1889After #withoutnumber #swn #wwn #cwn #b5 #babylon5 #osr #worldoflazarus #medicare4all #greennewdeal
@kevin I'm trying also to place it relative to other games. It is easily above #5e (as the game has at least as much GM support). I'd consider my group and go with either #blackSwordHack or #wwn depending on their experience. And from an accessibility standpoint, I think BSH wins out (e.g. less rules more fiat with assumption of trust)
Start of this year I started tracking all my #TTRPG sessions played or GMd because ... I guess I like spreadsheets and pivot tables?
Year To Date I've participated in 57 TTRPG sessions; an avg just shy of 2/Week (57 in 29 weeks).
Experienced 13 different systems; 48 times as the GM; and 43 sessions were Digital/VTT.
#WWN is my most used system this year (19x). There's 5 systems I've played/GMd just once.
June was the busiest month with 14 sessions.
I wrote a quick #blog post regarding what I've been #reading
- "The Living Mountain" by Nan Shepherd
- "Gilgamesh Retold" by Jenny Lewis
- "Gilgamesh: The Life of a Poem" by Michael Schmidt
- "The Citadel of Forgotten Myths" by Michael Moorcock
@Tim_Eagon @chgowiz @Yora all three (#SWN, #WWN, #CWN) have free versions and he’s looking into an open license for comfort. His own position is that RPGs are by nature open content so there’s no need for an #OGL, #CC, #ORC, #ELF but he understands the reassurance a license gives after all of this OGL hullabaloo. #StarsWithoutNumberRevised #WorldsWithoutNumber #CitiesWithoutNumber
#ogl #cc #orc #elf #swn #wwn #cwn #starswithoutnumberrevised #WorldsWithoutNumber #CitiesWithoutNumber
Thanks to @WaterfordWhispers I have just learned the meaning and the pronunciation of the phrase "Tá brón orm" and like...
Did you know you can order custom toblerones.?
#wwn #saysorrywithtoblerone #please
@eladrin @greenspindle nice!
Here’s mine,
#DragonKingsProject using Kevin Crawford’s #WithoutNumber #WN system #SWN #WWN #CWN
Top Secret: New World Order #TSNWO
Home-brewed Babylon 5 #B5 using Stars Without Number: Revised #SWN.
World of Lazarus #ModernAGE
Edit: and I just received my #CS edition of the #Planebreaker Bestiary so I’ll add #CypherSystem #Planebreaker
#withoutnumber #wn #swn #wwn #cwn #tsnwo #tde #dsa #b5 #ModernAGE #dragonkingsproject #cs #planebreaker #cyphersystem