i only wanna say the following....
i dont spend my time on answering you when you post on my posts about matches and sh*t on the Women in the match...
i just block you and make the same post as a new one again...
greets speedy
#Wrestling #ProWrestling #WomensWrestling #Stardom #WWRSTARDOM #JoshiPuroresu #Joshi #ChocoPro #NJPW #IMPACTWrestling #AEW #ROH #MPW #CCW #WWA #ProWrestlingEVE #WWE
#wwe #prowrestlingeve #wwa #ccw #mpw #roh #aew #IMPACTWRESTLING #njpw #chocopro #joshi #joshipuroresu #wwrstardom #Stardom #womenswrestling #prowrestling #wrestling
added an new header...to remove tribalism of Companys from my profile...
#Wrestling #ProWrestling #WomensWrestling #Stardom #WWRSTARDOM #JoshiPuroresu #Joshi #ChocoPro #NJPW #IMPACTWrestling #AEW #ROH #MPW #CCW #WWA #ProWrestlingEVE #WWE #tribalism
#tribalism #wwe #prowrestlingeve #wwa #ccw #mpw #roh #aew #IMPACTWRESTLING #njpw #chocopro #joshi #joshipuroresu #wwrstardom #Stardom #womenswrestling #prowrestling #wrestling
about me :
hi im Stefan aka DJ Speedy
Iam a huge #WomensWrestling Fan and weekly watch #AEW & #ROH but i love all kinds of Women's Wrestling
you can find more about me on my Website at https://djxspeedy.blogspot.com/
#Wrestling #ProWrestling #WomensWrestling #Stardom #WWRSTARDOM #JoshiPuroresu #Joshi #ChocoPro #NJPW #IMPACTWrestling #AEW #ROH #MPW #CCW #WWA #ProWrestlingEVE #WWE
#wwe #prowrestlingeve #wwa #ccw #mpw #IMPACTWRESTLING #njpw #chocopro #joshi #joshipuroresu #wwrstardom #Stardom #prowrestling #wrestling #roh #aew #womenswrestling