#OpenBSD: Kinda funny how #chrome/#chromium is so well-optimized on obsd, but barfs badly without #wxallowed, and #firefox runs like its feet are frozen, yet doesn't have any issues with #nowxallowed. :P
#openbsd #chrome #wxallowed #firefox #nowxallowed
Interesting, #Chromium does *not* like having #wxallowed turned off on /usr/local
I thought the Chromium devs had gotten it to work with W^X in #OpenBSD?
If I try to run it with nowxallowed, the tab just crashes over and over again. Firefox and luakit still run, although the performance seems to be degraded (no JIT, probably).
#chromium #wxallowed #openbsd #wxorx
can't build #Telegram from #OpenBSD from #ports because #Ruby needs #wxallowed and i have #portstree on /usr and not /usr/local
#portstree #wxallowed #ruby #ports #openbsd #telegram