FΓΌr alle, die es interessiert:

"WXE - Mein Weg zu Keria" ist ab sofort als Hardcover fΓΌr den deutschen Buchhandel bestellbar!

ISBN: 978-3-757503-90-1
Seiten inkl. alles: 672
Preis: 44,99€
Format: B 38,4cm x H 25,0cm

Viel Spaß noch!

#bucher #leserinnen #buchhandler #Bibliothekare #wxe

Last updated 2 years ago

FΓΌr alle, die es interessiert:

WXE - Mein Weg zu Keria wird es ca. ab Mitte Januar auch im deutschen Buchhandel geben. Und zwar komplett, nicht in zwei Teilen wie als eBook. Die Details zu Preis, Format etc. gibt es morgen in gleicher Form, heute schaffe ich das nicht mehr.

Falsches Bild, hab's ersetzt.

#bucher #leserinnen #buchhandler #Bibliothekare #wxe

Last updated 2 years ago

While , I often found it hard to imagine how it would be like if I didn't had a clue about the piece of in front of me. A pocket watch, as example.
I mean, how do I describe somebody who had never experienced the need for of on its , and has no idea of hours or minutes, but now finds out what a is, and what it's good for? All without using my own !
It was really hard, but I hope I've solved it well.

#writerslife #books #writing #wxe #technology #fragmentation #time #dailyroutine #clock #knowledge

Last updated 2 years ago

Today, I've added 30 Pages more to the second part of WXE. Hopefully, I'm done after the Holidays. Only nine days till, but I'll get there!

#wxe #writerslife #readers #books

Last updated 2 years ago

Long after a global catastrophe, the earth is never the same. Although the world has changed, the emotions of the people haven't. And so, they still searching for love ...

#wxe #bookstodon #readersofmastadon

Last updated 2 years ago

It's done! I'm through it!

WXE - The Search for Keria / Part one, is out now!

The Ebook is $2.99 (free with Kindle unlimited).
Paperback is $15.99 , and
Hardcover $19.99 ;
both will be available in a few days, too!

#wxe #writerslife #writers #readers #books

Last updated 2 years ago

Done with editing for today, my eyes can't grab single letters off the screen anymore; everything's scrambled.

But I have only 100 pages to go; so, it will be done in 3 to 4 days. Maybe earlier, who knows. As everything as the cover and so on is set from the German version, I wouldn't have trouble to bring the book online before the holidays, though.
Let's hope for the best!

#wxe #writerslife #readers #books

Last updated 2 years ago

Still editing WXE, it's more work than I thought. But I hope I get it done before December 23th, so that you can enjoy it in English before the holidays.

#wxe #writerslife #readers #books

Last updated 2 years ago

Not even half of the month, and my read pages hitting last months high. Yeah!

#wxe #writerslife #readers #books

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm done with 48764 words by now.
Out of 118050 ... a little more than a third.

But it's fun, even if AI has done the job lousy as always.
Some words the AI senses, and is translating them for a few pages with the correct one. But then, only a single page later, its scrambling everything up, and is using some alternative.

#writerslife #wxe #editing

Last updated 2 years ago

#wxe #readers #books

Last updated 2 years ago

I have to admit that it weren't 50 pages, it were 45. Anyway, my eyes are dried out, and the letters on the screen starting o blur.

Still 350 to go; but with that count, I'm done mid next week. Or at the end of the week, who knows what comes in between (nothing, I hope for). I call it a day. Back to the sofa, stretching my legs a little.

#wxe #writerslife #editing

Last updated 2 years ago

Alright, here we go!
Start editing in ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... now!!

Let's see if I can do 50 pages a day!
Wish me luck!

#wxe #writerslife #editing

Last updated 2 years ago

My eyes hurt from the screen. Editing is bad. But only 670 pages to go! πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

#wxe #writerslife

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaaand another peek of WXE.
The last for today.

Have fun!

"No one can see the house. It's built that way, no one is supposed to see it. Why, I don't know. Everything is underground. Only if you could fly, you would discover it. But men can't fly like the sea-flappers, they never could. They tried; it was in the books. But they couldn't, so I guess they gave up." ...

#wxe #readers #booklover #teaser

Last updated 2 years ago

Another peek of WXE.

Have fun!

"It's dark, must be night. My wet clothes hang heavy on me, I can hardly move. With great effort and pain, I first free myself from everything that prevents me from moving; then, bit by bit, I get rid of my clothes. If I leave them on, I'll die. It's just a thought, but I feel it's right. So, I do it, only then I look around. But I can't see anything, and so my brain sees no point in staying on." ...

#wxe #readers #booklover #teaser

Last updated 2 years ago

Here, you have short peek of the beginning of WXE.

Have fun!

"It is windy down here on the beach, as every day. But I sit well protected behind a bank above the cliff, the fine spray cannot harm me. No one else can recognize me either; except the one who knows what to look for. My brother taught me to camouflage myself, you never know who you might meet. It has come in handy a few times, too; because, he's not the only one who sails along this coast." ...

#wxe #readers #booklover #teaser

Last updated 2 years ago

#wxe #books #readers

Last updated 2 years ago

Tomorrow, I'll start editing .

Today, I'm going to bed.

Nighty night!

#writerslife #wxe

Last updated 2 years ago