I love my #dogs, #kccurrent, #nwsl, #minnesotaLynx, #wnba, and #KUBasketball. I enjoy binging TV and watching movies. I've also discovered my love for #sapphicBooks. About to start #misrule. One day, I want to go to the #sportsBra in #portland, but currently living in #Kansas.
#lword #lgbt #fletcher #taylorswift #programmer #tech #java #javascript #wyanonnaEarp #gflip #lilyrose #brandicarlile #happiestSeason
#followfriday #dogs #KCCurrent #NWSL #minnesotalynx #wnba #kubasketball #sapphicbooks #misrule #sportsbra #portland #kansas #lword #lgbt #fletcher #taylorswift #programmer #tech #java #javascript #wyanonnaearp #GFlip #lilyrose #brandicarlile #HappiestSeason
I really am struggling here. How do you work this? Anyways, I’m going to throw some tags out and see what happens. #KCCurrent #nwsl #kubasketball #programming #wyanonnaearp #lgbt #IWishIKnewWhatIWasDoing
#KCCurrent #NWSL #kubasketball #programming #wyanonnaearp #lgbt #iwishiknewwhatiwasdoing