Happy Bill & Ted Day! #80s #80smovie #BillandTedDay #69dudes! #WyldStallyns #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #wyldstallyns #69dudes #BillAndTedDay #80smovie #80s
Other t-shirts I've recently bought
#CambridgeAnalytica :troll:
#cambridgeanalytica #javascript #wyldstallyns #thundercats
Hello Fediverse! I like #science, #politics, #sport, #gaming and #dadjokes. I support equal rights for everyone, but believe having rights means you also gotta take responsibility for what you do with them. So free speech is cool, hate speech isn't. Having faith is great, attacking the faithless isn't.
Helping people to see another point of view is awesome, but refusing to acknowledge theirs is not.
So basically: Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes. #WyldStallyns
#science #politics #Sport #gaming #dadjokes #wyldstallyns