August Dispatch: Music on Repeat vol. 4
The end of any summer always brings the inevitable - the impending doom of returning to the office and the end of our beloved festival season.... #Music #CandiCarpenter #DescartesAKant #FooFighters #ManchesterOrchestra #MusicOnRepeat #NovaTwins #QueensOfTheStoneAge #TheBigMoon #WynonaBleach #YeahYeahYeahs
#music #candicarpenter #descartesakant #foofighters #manchesterorchestra #musiconrepeat #novatwins #QueensOfTheStoneAge #thebigmoon #wynonableach #yeahyeahyeahs
Wynona Bleach – Drag
Late to the party, I've just recently discovered Wynona Bleach and I hit play on their recent single, 'Drag', without knowing what to expect. Not gonna lie - I'm blown away.
The beat is a solid open and the guitar line has an early skate twist. Then they drop in with the full tone of the single and it's thick and fabulous. They've mastered the big wall of sound, wit... #Music #SingleReviews #WynonaBleach
#music #singlereviews #wynonableach