Die Woche kommt in die Top 5 der Cirdan Scheiß-Wochen. Leck mich am Arsch mit was für einen Mist man sich heutzutage rumschlagen muss und wie schön einfach waren die 80er für uns damals. Da hilft nur der 64er.... gibt Demos von der X'2023, Vermeer, Giana Sisters, Koala Video Player #retro ##retrogamer #retrogames #retrogaming #twitch #twitchde #twitchstreamer #twitchgermany #commodore #c64 #commodore64 #commodorec64 #vermeer #x2023 #c64demos #gianasisters #koalavideoplayer
#koalavideoplayer #GianaSisters #c64demos #x2023 #vermeer #CommodoreC64 #commodore64 #c64 #commodore #twitchgermany #twitchstreamer #twitchde #twitch #retrogaming #retrogames #retrogamer #retro
An amazing demo competition on #X2023. The winning demo from Performers, the runner-up from Bonzai/Pretzel Logic and also the bronze effort from Censor Design shows that the old bread box is far from dead. For me, I preferred the hard-hitting criticism of the consumption society in the Bonzai/PL demo, but the technical and artistic level was awesome all round.
#x2023 #demoparty #c64 Amaaaaaaaazing productions released
unmodified 1982/1986 Hardware with 0.985 mhz cpu!
4k Intro #1 (that's 4096 bytes) »Boo!« by Quiss/Reflex:
Demo #1 »Next Level« by Performers
Results: https://demozoo.org/parties/4449/
#x2023 #demoparty #c64 Amaaaaaaaazing productions released
unmodified 1982/1986 Hardware with 0.985 mhz cpu!
4k Intro #1 (that's 4096 bytes) »Boo!« by Quiss/Reflex:
Demo #1 »Next Level« by Performers
Results: https://demozoo.org/parties/4449/
Interview with the legendary Commodore 64-composer Rob Hubbard, the biggest star on #X2023. Even though the interviewer, Flex/Artline Designs, is also quite a legend in his own right.
Finally arrived at the #X2023 party in Someren, Netherlands! Now for some Norwegian-Finnish cultural exchange.
Train travel time again! Starting in Warsaw, I will make my way to the computer party #X2023 in Someren, Netherlands, and all the way back home to Oslo, Norway.
Check out my (Norwegian) travel microblog on Twitter (@kristianaas), and my (Norwegian) blog post about the journey, the party and my Commodore 64 demo group Hoaxers here: https://togoglok.wordpress.com/2023/03/24/neste-prosjekt-gamle-datamaskiner/