How to kill x2go client when connection is lost? #shortcutkeys #x2go #x2goclient
#shortcutkeys #x2go #x2goclient
Currently accessing this via chromium on a #devuan #lxd container instance running under #VoidLinux on a #RaspberryPi 4 B* via #x2go (#NX protocol) on a Macbook Air. Because I'm an enormous nerd.
*A 2GB model, even. And even with three other containers going it's still got 1.5G free.
#devuan #lxd #raspberrypi #voidlinux #x2go #nx
Restrict X2go to a certain number of programs on the server side checking $cmd in x2goruncommand #server #permissions #x2go
@Kurt damn....
I guess you don't have #Nagios or another #monitoring that can proble for #x2go's status?
Looking for a university IT lab on low power? At Perugia Physics department we got you covered! Putting some data science at work now for #sosc2022 school. #raspberrypi #x2go
We have been using #x2go at my work for some time, but it has some quirks and doesn’t support the latest desktop environments. Does anybody know of other #RemoteDesktop #ThinClient alternatives which allow resizing the desktop on fly?
#x2go #RemoteDesktop #ThinClient
#x2go und #x2goDesktopsharing.
Wenn es darum geht eine XDesktop aus der Ferne zu bedienen ist es top.
Ist ähnlich wie #NoMachine, nur besser, IMHO.
#x2go #x2goDesktopsharing #nomachine
@timbecker #X2Go, #Debian, #DebianEdu, #AyatanaIndicators, #UbuntuTouch, #UbuntuMATE, #MATE, #ArcticaGreeter, #NX-Libs, #AlekSIS, and various others.
#x2go #debian #debianedu #AyatanaIndicators #ubuntutouch #ubuntumate #mate #ArcticaGreeter #nx #AlekSIS
the main downside of #X2Go is it doesn't work for desktop environments which require / make heavy use of compositing
I get around this by not using such environments where possible, or by just using X2Go to launch a terminal and then running individual applications from there, as if it's an improved replacement for 'ssh -XC'