OK, I have no idea if I'm doing this right.
I'm trying to get the value of IO port 02h and put it into AX. So far this is what I have, based on some other code on #EDisAsm that @M0CUV wrote. My gut says that it's not right.
For full context, this is for an ASIC9-based #Psion machine (NEC V30H or V30MX, so 8086 plus a few extra opcodes). Port 02h has some info about these machines that the emulator dev needs to get info on memory mapping/addressing/mirroring.
#retrodev #x86asm #retrocomputing #psion #edisasm
I'm hoping this little bit of code that I'm going to throw into #EDisAsm is going to give me the value of IO port 0x02 on an ASIC9-based Psion. #TASM 4.1 doesn't hate it, so I just need to try running it on a real machine. But that's a tomorrow problem.
#RetroComputing #Psion #Series3a #Series3c #Series3mx #NECV30 #16bit #x86asm #assembly #oldtech #RetroDev #borland
#borland #retrodev #oldtech #assembly #x86asm #16bit #necv30 #series3mx #series3c #series3a #psion #retrocomputing #tasm #edisasm
A spiral of books by an author who maybe you know π #books #retro #retrogaming #atari #atari2600 #intellivision #ibmpc #dos #intel #x86 #x86asm #x86assembly
#books #retro #retrogaming #atari #atari2600 #intellivision #ibmpc #dos #intel #x86 #x86asm #x86assembly
; Assembly Language Love Poem
; For A Geek Goddess
mov al,n
out dx,al
mov ah,al
and al,0x0f
out dx,al
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
#Small Poems #Poetry #PoetryCorner #PoultryCoroner πππ¦π¦ #x86ASM #Assembler #ComputerScience #Coding #NestedInterruptHandler
#small #poetry #poetrycorner #poultrycoroner #x86asm #Assembler #computerscience #coding #nestedinterrupthandler