I have been taking my Olympus XA2 on my runs. It's nice to see different views of the Golden Gate Bridge. I love the Presidio.
(Olympus XA2, Fuji Superia 400, self-dev in Bellini C41 kit, scanned on Plustek 8200i)
#BelieveInFilm #FilmIsNotDead #GoldenGateBridge #Presidio #GGB #SanFrancisco #SanFranciscoAnalog #TouchGrass #BlueSkies #BelliniC41kit #Olympus #xa2
#believeinfilm #filmisnotdead #GoldenGateBridge #presidio #ggb #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscoanalog #touchgrass #BlueSkies #bellinic41kit #olympus #xa2
@linuxine ça fait 2 ans que j'ai un #sony #xperia #xa2 et j'ai pu mettre /e/ dessus. J'avais Lineageos avant. Ça fonctionne pas mal 😉
C'est de l'Android 10
Je l'ai acheté sur #backmarket :
Ma version c'est le H3113
#sony #xperia #xa2 #backmarket
Premium mobile Linux OS creators Jolla: Sailfish OS 3.0.3 Hossa Early Access (EA) Release.
Jolla released version 3.0.3 to Early Access testers (Jolla devices, Xperia X and XA2).
The update also fixes several reported issues on XA2 devices.
The most notable feature for Sailfish users is the Gecko upgrade to ESR 45, which improves the web browsing experience considerably.
== > https://together.jolla.com/question/203845/release-notes-303-hossa/
#Jolla #mobileLinux #SailfishOS #Sailfish3 #Sailfishx #Xperia #XA2 #Hossa #EarlyAccess
#jolla #mobilelinux #sailfishos #sailfish3 #sailfishx #xperia #xa2 #hossa #earlyaccess
SailfishOS Podcast with Leszek Lesner: "Vlogging with XA2".
Vlogging demonstration with the Sony Xperia XA2 running Jolla's SailfishOS, a premium mobile Linux OS.
He adapted the Zoom H1 sound to its volume so everyone can see as a demonstration how the sound is recorded.
==> https://youtu.be/GbcwPvIABVY
#SailfishOS #SailfishX #Xperia #XA2 #Jolla #LinuxMobile #Sony
#sailfishos #sailfishx #xperia #xa2 #jolla #linuxmobile #sony
Jolla: Sailfish 3 is at your doorstep.
Mobile Linux OS of Sailfish came about out of ashes of Nokia's Meego, capable to also run Android apps via compatibility mode.
The Sony Xperia XA2 Dual SIM (H4113) / XA2 Single SIM (H3113) +more will be supported as new devices!
==> https://blog.jolla.com/sailfish-3-update-post/
#Jolla #Sailfish #SailfishOS #Linux #mobile #Xperia #XA2 #SonyXperia
#jolla #sailfish #sailfishos #linux #mobile #xperia #xa2 #sonyxperia