TIL there is a Fife, Washington. (Ordered an Eloise compendium from Powell's). ⚮⚮⚮Not a big fan of #BurningMan although I have been involved in its local node, the maker space #Xanadu Community Center (Idaho Burners Alliance, Inc., a a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation). Read a weather report. ⚮⚮⚮Also I need more coffee. ⚮⚮⚮
TMU and Xanadu Team Up to Advance Quantum Computing Research And Training in Canada https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2358103 #Quantum_Computing_Business #Research #Canada #Ontario #quantum_education #quantum_research #quantum_training #TMU #Toronto_Metropolitan_University #xanadu #quantumdaily Insider Brief Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) and Xanadu, signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on increasing capacity for quantum training, education and research. TMU and Xanadu will
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Research #Canada #Ontario #quantum_education #quantum_research #quantum_training #TMU #Toronto_Metropolitan_University #xanadu #quantumdaily
Xanadu ~ Rush
It was proposed to do another collective setting for Literotica stories, this time a Sci-Fi setting rather than Fantasy.
I love Sci-Fi, and always have. Keeping it believable despite its fantasy elements is a challenge. Keeping it relatable means setting it not too far in the future. A thousand years, let's say. Enough for humans to get out and explore a bit, but not so much that Earth itself has fallen into irrelevance.
Happy anniversary to “Xanadu”. Released in theaters this week in 1980. #xanadu #olivianewtonjohn #elo #followyourmuse
#xanadu #OliviaNewtonJohn #elo #followyourmuse
"#Xanadu" is the title song from the #soundtrack of the 1980 film Xanadu. Written by #JeffLynne of the English rock band #ElectricLightOrchestra (ELO), the song is performed by English-born Australian singer, songwriter and actress #OliviaNewtonJohn, with Lynne adding parenthetic vocals in the style of his other songs on the Xanadu soundtrack, and ELO providing the instrumentation.
#xanadu #soundtrack #jefflynne #electriclightorchestra #olivianewtonjohn
Meanwhile , it’s a perfect Sunday morning hangover, after a very rough week and watching ‘Xanadu’’ after spending a few hours last night with a lot of my favorite people at my next door watering hole… could I be any gayer? #Xanadu #ONJ #ELO #TheGarage
Happy anniversary to Olivia Newton-John and ELO’s soundtrack album, ‘Xanadu’. Released this week in 1980. #olivianewtonjohn #elo #xanadu #magic #imalive #allovertheworld #suddenly #dontwalkaway #suspendedintime
#OliviaNewtonJohn #elo #xanadu #magic #imalive #allovertheworld #suddenly #dontwalkaway #suspendedintime
Quantum-based Companies Make it on XPRIZE, Bessemer Venture Partners’ List of Top 100 Private Deep Tech Companies https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2355929 #Quantum_Computing_Business #Bessemer_Venture_Partners #PsiQuantum #xanadu #XB100 #Xtalpi #quantumdaily Insider Brief PsiQuantum, XtalPi and Xanadu are the quantum representatives on the just published XB100. XB100 is a ranking of the world’s top 100 deep technology companies. The list was commissioned by XPRIZE and Bessemer Venture Partners.
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Bessemer_Venture_Partners #PsiQuantum #xanadu #XB100 #Xtalpi #quantumdaily
Ah, the perpetual present/future tense of Xanadu, not a single claim was ever manifested. They did post-2000s make a reader, one site, fixed blob of data, no editor for it.
#retrocomputing #xanadu #ozymandias
#retrocomputing #xanadu #ozymandias
I did get in some gardening at #Xanadu (the maker space which is the Boisean node of Burning Man, without the pretentiousness) with my good friend Honey Bear late yesterday morning.
#Xanadu's Dolls: Sir #CecilBeaton 1904-1980
#xanadu #cecilbeaton #photography
Beck hat hier noch weniger Charisma als in #Xanadu. Unglaublich.
#xanadu #SchleFaZ #megaforce #megafurz
In confluence (wiki software from Atlassian) there is an “excerpt” feature that lets you do “transclusions”.
You mark one part of a page as “excerptable” and then from any other page you can “include” that “excerpt”.
It’s quite neat. Helps you have the same content reused and reordered in different ways.
#transclusions #xanadu #tednelson
#NowPlaying #HooraySongOfTheDay
#OliviaNewtonJohn #ELO #Xanadu
#Music #Movies #1980s #Nostalgia
Watch "Xanadu" on YouTube
#nowplaying #hooraysongoftheday #olivianewtonjohn #elo #xanadu #music #movies #1980s #nostalgia #genxgold
#anarchism #ancientgreek #anthropology #baduk #bicycling #boardgames #calligraphy #chess #classicalantiquity #classics #climatechange #commonlisp #communism #compilers #cooperatives #culture #deutsch #digitalhumanities #dsa #emacs #español #esperanto #fiction #fancyrats #freeculture #freesoftware #fsf #gamedev #godot #gnu #guile #guix #hcoop #haskell #history #hypertext #internationalsolidarity #javascript #koinegreek #latin #lgbt #linguistics #lisp #lispgames #lispm #logic #math #northcarolina #octodon #philosophy #plt #posca #programming #poetry #queer #rats #scheme #sciencefiction #smalltalk #sml #snowdriftcoop #socialism #tea #trans #typography #unions #vegetarian #weiqi #wikis #www #xanadu #xmpp #yerbamate #yow #zen
#anarchism #ancientgreek #anthropology #baduk #bicycling #boardgames #calligraphy #chess #classicalantiquity #classics #climatechange #commonlisp #communism #compilers #cooperatives #culture #deutsch #digitalhumanities #dsa #emacs #espanol #esperanto #fiction #fancyrats #freeculture #freesoftware #fsf #gamedev #godot #gnu #guile #guix #hcoop #haskell #history #hypertext #internationalsolidarity #javascript #koinegreek #latin #lgbt #linguistics #lisp #lispgames #lispm #logic #math #northcarolina #octodon #philosophy #plt #posca #programming #poetry #queer #rats #scheme #sciencefiction #smalltalk #sml #snowdriftcoop #socialism #tea #trans #typography #unions #vegetarian #weiqi #wikis #www #xanadu #xmpp #yerbamate #yow #zen
@artemissian Indeed. #Xanadu was probably dead on arrival but it remains a useful inspiration/comparison for what the WWW could be one day. (Maybe with IPFS?)
It's all good. (-:
Have an early version of "I'm Alive".