#XavierLeroy : « I grew up in #France. […] I went on to study #mathematics and #physics in #PreparatoryClasses. I was admitted in #ENS, Ecole Normale Supérieure in #Paris, which is the church of French #mathematics. I really wanted to do #math. Then, I found out that #math was more difficult than I thought. Their courses were really hard and they didn't make them very accessible. They wanted to find the next #Fields Medalist. »
#Education #Elitism
#xavierleroy #france #mathematics #physics #preparatoryclasses #ens #paris #math #fields #education #elitism
https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~popl-interviews/ « People of Programming Languages — An interview project in conjunction with #POPL 2018 »
#Haskell #OCaml
#XavierLeroy #StephanieWeirich #SimonPeytonJones
#popl #haskell #ocaml #xavierleroy #stephanieweirich #simonpeytonjones