Update for 8/28(or 29)/2023!
1/ 🧵
Included: VOCs, Lineage News, Research, Clarifying Disinformation.
Nationally, not that much different this time in variant leaderboard order. :https://ibb.co/cXcVzyp
Current fastest clocked variant HV.1 stable this week.BA.2.86 at .04% of sequencing.
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork #BA286
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork #ba286
CoVid is Back With Two Novel Subvariants: All we know so far about EG.5, EG.5.1, FL.1.5.1, and the latest, BA.2.86. Get vaxxed, boosted and avoid a/another case of CoVid. #CoVid #eris #eg5 #eg51 #fornax #fl151 #xbb15 #omicron #VaccineSideEffectshttps://www.instagram.com/p/CwcCbHcPVVs/
#COVID #eris #eg5 #eg51 #fornax #fl151 #xbb15 #Omicron #vaccinesideeffects
Updates for 8/25/2023
Nationally, FL.x.y and EG.x.y still gaining ground. So is HV.1, and BA.2.86 has had a few more discoveries and increased to .07%. HV.1 has definitely increased substantially in just a few days.: https://ibb.co/fv9nJNY
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork #BA286
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork #ba286
Gerade bei meinem #Hausarzt die #Boosterimpfung gegen #COVID19 #XBB15 #EG5 #FL151 erfragt:
Es gäbe keine Einzeldosen, daher würden Impf-Gruppen gebildet.
Soll mich Ende Oktober für einen Impf-Termin im November melden.
Bin sprachlos.
#Hausarzt #boosterimpfung #COVID19 #xbb15 #eg5 #fl151 #teamvorsicht #CovidIsNotOver
Update for 8/18/2023!
1/ 🧵
Nationally, XBB.1.16 and XBB.1.16.6 fighting for the top with XBB.1.5.: https://ibb.co/Tt5HSWJ
In PA, FL.1.5.1 is the most sequenced variant (out of a terribly small pool of samples.): https://ibb.co/hc7JBdB
In NY/NJ, FL.1.5.1 tops the chart here, too.: https://ibb.co/K90bqKM
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork
“There was a small but significant increase in peak neutralizing antibody responses against #Omicron #BA5 and #XBB15 following the first #bivalent #booster, but no significant increase in peak titers following the second bivalent booster. Omicron-specific #neutralizing titers remained low after both doses of the BA.5 bivalent booster.” https://mstdn.social/@erictopol/110894423101207690
#omicron #BA5 #xbb15 #bivalent #booster #neutralizing
Update for 8/14/2023! 🍵
There's no new CDC info for today.
Nationally, the 6 top variants in a very unpredictable horserace, but XBB.1.5 falling further and further down the leaderboard.: https://ibb.co/Pr42JpS
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork
Updates for 8/11/2023! 💐
There's no new NOWCAST this week.
Nationally, XBB.1.16, EG.5.1 and XBB.1.5 losing some ground to upcoming faster variants.: https://ibb.co/V2Gvk2c
In PA, EG.5.1 found among a long and diverse list of variants.: https://ibb.co/hXd8YqB
In NY/NJ, FL.1.5.1 and EG.5.1 tops the leaderboard.: https://ibb.co/N9gmxS2
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork
"Biontech: Neuer Impfstoff im September"
"Mainz – Der Mainzer Impfstoffhersteller Biontech will seinen angepassten #COVID19-Impfstoff voraussichtlich im September auf den Markt bringen. Das kündigte das Unternehmen bei der Vorlage der Geschäftszahlen für das zweite Quartal heute in Mainz an. Vorbehaltlich einer Zulassung solle dann die Auslieferung des an die Coronavariante #xbb15 einer Untervariante von #Omikron, angepassten Vakzins beginnen. "
🍵 Updates for 8/7/2023!
Nationally, EG.5.1 solidly in 2nd place behind XBB.1.16.: https://ibb.co/BCybDSg
In PA, mostly XBB.1.16 and a mix of variants after that.: https://ibb.co/hKw4ZSR
In NY/NJ, FL.1.5.1 and EG.5.1 solidly right behind XBB.1.16.: https://ibb.co/r04YQHQ
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork #eg51 #flipvariants
Neutralising #immunity to #omicron sublineages #BQ11, #XBB, and #XBB15 in healthy #adults is boosted by bivalent #BA1-containing #mRNA #vaccination and previous Omicron infection, https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00289-X
#immunity #omicron #bq11 #xbb #xbb15 #adults #ba1 #mrna #vaccination
if you time breathing for 30 sec , 60 sec etc, it gives you idea of # of breaths
based off this i will guesstimate how many minutes i have to be in an unsafe environment in mask + #HEPA necklace
Osterholm does obsess in this podcast about a 26~ second elevator ride where he was🚫😷..🙄which is dumb af b/c he should know it lingers.. in some cases MANY hours. He seems to have caught #xbb15 & #xbb116 is said to be even MORE infectious… which is why imho it’s more like 2-3now
this is my master #Novavax 🧵i will add any studies, updates #etc to
i am💯ABSOLUTELY certain w/out Novavax i’d have gotten #sarscov2 yet again regardless of mask, nasal, #HEPA tied around my neck 2 inches from my face &🤓👓
#XBB116 is purportedly 237% MORE contagious than #xbb15 which …idk wtf that even means🤯If it was 4-5 inhales, now it’s 2?!? or 10 sec in🚫😷?
#vaccineTourism is def a thing & highly advisable🌈💛💗
#novavax #etc #sarscov2 #HEPA #xbb116 #xbb15 #vaccinetourism
Leider wird es immer schlimmer. Die nächste Wand wird die #Schweiz komplett unvorbereitet und ohne #Maßnahmen treffen. #Untragbar! #Totalversagen #SchwereSchuld #Katastrophe #Pandemie #Corona
RT @Kassandra2_0
#CoronaInfoCH nächste Coronawelle mit #xbb15 #xbb116variant erwartet; diesmal bei fehlendem Booster und Impfschutz in der Schweizer Bevölkerung. Longcovid Versorgung gibts auch keine. @BAG_OFSP_UFSP https://m.focus.de/gesund…
#schweiz #maßnahmen #untragbar #totalversagen #schwereschuld #katastrophe #pandemie #corona #coronainfoch #xbb15 #xbb116variant
RT @HugonetX
SUIVI #COVID19 VAGUE 10 20/3/2023
⚠️Certains indicateurs avvzc
Positivité : 13,46↗️+10% J-3🛑
Hospitalisations : 660↗️+22% J-7🛑
Entrées en SI : 68↗️+17% J-7🛑
Solde hospis Covid+: 13.358↗️🛑
Solde SI Covid: 760↗️🛑
Décès : 50↗️+22% J-7🛑
Dunkle Wolken am Horizont: Nach XBB.1.5 kommt XBB.1.16
#XBB15 #XBB16
RT @RWittenbrink
Seit dem 9. März ist die Zahl der von ZOE gemeldeten täglichen #COVID19-Neuinfektionen in UK um mehr als 67 % gestiegen, von 78.660 auf aktuell 131.403.
#Coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver #XBB15 #LongCovid #MaskUp #ImpfenSchuetzt
#ImpfenSchuetzt #MaskUp #LongCovid #xbb15 #CovidIsNotOver #sarscov2 #Coronavirus #COVID19
Fakten. Auch wenn es kaum jemanden interessiert. Es bleiben Fakten.
RT @RWittenbrink
Seit dem 9. März ist die Zahl der von ZOE gemeldeten täglichen #COVID19-Neuinfektionen in UK um mehr als 67 % gestiegen, von 78.660 auf aktuell 131.403.
#Coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver #XBB15 #LongCovid #MaskUp #ImpfenSchuetzt
#covid19 #coronavirus #sarscov2 #covidisnotover #xbb15 #longcovid #maskup #impfenschuetzt
Research: Covid Omicron XBB.1.5 Variant Highly Transmissible and Infectious
Source: https://www.miragenews.com/research-covid-omicron-xbb1-5-variant-highly-967004/