Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2485 followers · 1797 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for New Zealand.

XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (28%) has rebounded to overtake CH.1.1.* "Orthrus" (25%). XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (16%) and XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (19%) are still significant.

The new EG.5.* variant (5%) is present and growing, but is not significant yet.

The vigorous mix of variants implies increased immediate reinfection risks for those relying on immunity from a prior infection. Every variant is a minority of the recent samples.

The sample volumes seem representative up to July 10.


#COVID19 #nz #xbb_1_5 #kraken #ch_1_1 #orthrus #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2455 followers · 1744 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Western Australia.

"Deltacron" XBC.* (31%) and XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (31%) are the leading variants in a messy soup.

Among the individual lineages, there was recent growth in XBB.1.9.1 (12%) - a "Hyperion" sub-lineage.

The XBC.1.3 sub-lineage (14%) is the most common from that variant, vs XBC.1.6.* in South Australia.

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to July 6.


Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #australia #qld #brisbane #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbc #Deltacron

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2455 followers · 1740 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for New South Wales, Australia.

XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (29%) and XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (28%) are the leading variants in a messy soup.

Among the individual lineages, there was recent growth in XBB.1.16.2 (11%).

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to July 4.


Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #australia #nsw #sydney #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_16 #arcturus

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2429 followers · 1694 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for New Zealand.

CH.1.1.* "Orthrus" (36%) rebounded to a leading position, in a close contest with XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (29%) and XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (29%).

The vigorous mix of variants implies increased immediate reinfection risks for those relying on immunity from a prior infection. Every variant is a minority of the recent samples.

The sample volumes seem representative up to June 22. Unfortunately, the update cycle for NZ seems to have fallen back to once a month. Any successful new variant will likely already be widespread by the time it appears in this data. More timely summarised frequencies are shared weekly (not via GISAID), but for a very limited set of variants.


#COVID19 #nz #ch_1_1 #orthrus #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2377 followers · 1588 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Victoria.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (34%) is taking it's turn to dominate, following XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (24%).

XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (13%) has been declining steadily.

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.


#COVID19 #australia #Vic #melbourne #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_5 #kraken

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2376 followers · 1587 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for China.

XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (39%) was driving the 2nd wave of recombinant lineages, with perhaps some slow growth for XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (24%).

There was a fairly dramatic surge in XBB.1.22.* "Bellatrix" (60%) in early June. Note that the samples from June 6 onwards are almost all from Hubei province (Wuhan region).

This looks like a clear signal of a fresh wave of reinfections. I couldn't find any current info on the situation in Hubei.

The sample volumes seem representative up to June 1, perhaps a week later for Hubei province.


#COVID19 #china #hubei #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_22 #bellatrix

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2376 followers · 1587 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for the United Kingdom.

XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (39%) is driving the current wave, taking over from XBB.1.5 "Kraken" (26%).

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (21%) is also rising.

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.


#COVID19 #uk #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_16 #arcturus

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2376 followers · 1587 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Western Australia.

XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (40%) and XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (31%), appear to be battling for dominance

The sample volumes seem representative up to June 1.


Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #australia #wa #perth #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_16 #arcturus

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2376 followers · 1587 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Queensland, Australia.

It's difficult to interpret as sample volumes are very low and patchy. There's a lengthy gap where <10 samples were shared, between May 13 and May 24.

XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (24%) may have returned to dominance. It looks like the many sub-lineages including EG.* and FL.* are making a contribution


Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #qld #brisbane #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_5 #kraken

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2376 followers · 1587 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for New South Wales, Australia.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (32%) is taking it's turn to dominate, following XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (25%).

XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (14%) has been declining steadily.

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to June 5.


Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #australia #nsw #sydney #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_5 #kraken #xbb_1_16 #arcturus

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2376 followers · 1587 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Victoria.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (34%) is taking it's turn to dominate, following XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (24%).

XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (12%) has been declining steadily.

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to June 5.


Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #australia #Vic #melbourne #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_5 #kraken #xbb_1_16 #arcturus

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2376 followers · 1587 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Western Australia.

The XBC.* Deltacron variant clan (31%) appears to have surged to dominance, although recent samples are a bit patchy.

You could throw a blanket over XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (20%), XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (19%) and CH.1.1.* "Orthrus" (17%) variants.

XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (9%) is still significant, along with XBB.2.3.* "Acrux" (9%).

The variant mix in WA continues to be uniquely chaotic, reflecting its situation as a global crossroads. Even WA residents who've been racking up regular reinfections are likely to meet new variants capable of overcoming their immunity. Four variants are at 17%+ frequency, with another two around 10%.

The sample volumes seem representative up to May 16.


#COVID19 #australia #wa #perth #xbc #Deltacron #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_5 #kraken #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #ch_1_1 #orthrus

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2359 followers · 1482 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Switzerland.

XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (42%) and XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (37%) have been dueling for dominance.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (23%) is rising sharply, and will be the next to challenge.

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to May 5.

Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #switzerland #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_5 #kraken #xbb_1_9 #hyperion

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2359 followers · 1479 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for the United Kingdom.

XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (40%) has been declining steadily.

The challenge from XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (24%) appears to be fading.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (22%) has been growing steadily.

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem somewhat representative up to May 18, although the volume appears to be declining, unfortunately.


#COVID19 #uk #xbb_1_5 #kraken #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_16 #arcturus

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2355 followers · 1472 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for South Korea.

XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (50%) has continued to dominate, with XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (22%) slowly declining.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (14%) is rising, and might be the next to challenge.

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The vigorous mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to May 14.

Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #southkorea #xbb_1_9 #hyperion

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2355 followers · 1471 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Japan.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (30%) seems to have taken over dominance from XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (25%).

XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (20%) is still significant.

XBB.2.3.* "Acrux" (7%) is rising, and might be the next to challenge.

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The vigorous mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to May 8.

Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #japan #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2355 followers · 1469 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Malaysia.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (39%) now looks dominant over XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (22%).

XBB.2.3.* "Acrux" (11%) is rising, and might be the next to challenge.

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to May 18, but look a bit patchy.

Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #malaysia #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_2_3 #acrux

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2355 followers · 1467 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Thailand.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (47%) is now dominant over XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (26%) and XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (19%).

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to May 16.

Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #thailand #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_5 #kraken

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2355 followers · 1466 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for Queensland, Australia.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (32%) has surged to dominance.

The XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (24%) and XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (19%) variants are still significant.

The "Deltacron" XBC.* variant (11%) and CH.1.1.* "Orthrus" (14%) are still in the frame.

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The vigorous mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem representative up to May 3. There are almost no sequences shared since that date - hopefully only a temporary bottleneck.


Interactive genomic sequencing dataviz, code, acknowledgements and more info here:

#COVID19 #qld #brisbane #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_5 #kraken

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2355 followers · 1463 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for New South Wales.

XBB.1.16.* "Arcturus" (29%) continues to battle XBB.1.9.* "Hyperion" (28%) for dominance.

XBB.1.5.* "Kraken" (18%) has been declining steadily, but is still significant.

Be alert for conjunctivitis symptoms, particularly associated with the Arcturus variant.

The vigorous mix of very different variants poses a raised immediate re-infection risk for anyone relying on natural immunity from a recent infection.

The sample volumes seem somewhat representative up to May 25, although the volume appears to be declining, unfortunately.


#COVID19 #nsw #sydney #xbb_1_9 #hyperion #xbb_1_16 #arcturus #xbb_1_5 #kraken

Last updated 1 year ago