I don't care if this is the "Deluxe" edition or not, £90 is an obscene price for a game.
And no, this isn't a dig at this particular retailer who I happen to respect a lot, it speaks more to the publisher who sets the RRP.
(And yes, I know there is a standard edition.)
RT @shoptonet
Pre-order Now! £89.85 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Deluxe Edition #XBOX X #EA #StarWarsJediSurvivorDeluxeEdition #XboxGamer #XboxSeriesX #XboxLiveGold #XboxG…
#xbox #ea #starwarsjedisurvivordeluxeedition #xboxgamer #xboxseriesx #xboxlivegold #xboxg
I don't care if this is the "Deluxe" edition or not, £90 is an obscene price for a game.
And no, this isn't a dig at this particular retailer who I happen to respect a lot, it speaks more to the publisher who sets the RRP.
(And yes, I know there is a standard edition.)
RT @shoptonet
Pre-order Now! £89.85 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Deluxe Edition #XBOX X #EA #StarWarsJediSurvivorDeluxeEdition #XboxGamer #XboxSeriesX #XboxLiveGold #XboxG…
#xbox #ea #starwarsjedisurvivordeluxeedition #xboxgamer #xboxseriesx #xboxlivegold #xboxg