In diesem Video präsentiere ich euch die Fortsetzung unserer Reihe im Gameplay ohne Kommentare, indem ich THIS WAR OF MINE: FINAL CUT auf dem PC über xCloud (Xbox Cloud Gaming) spiele.
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[VIDEO] Wir stellen uns dem Riddler, befreien die Straßen von weiteren Schurken und schaffen es, einen weiteren Feuerwehrmann zu retten. Besuchen Sie:
#xcloud #gamepass #xboxcloudgaming #cloudgaming #xboxseriesx #xboxgamer #intags #xbox1 #xbox #xboxone #letsplay #pcgaming #gameplay #videogames #videogaming #videogame #gamingcommunity #games #gameday #youtubegaming #pcgames #gamingpc #intags #gamers #gaming #gamer #jogo #pc #game #jogos #batman #batmanarkhamknight
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Wir betraten eine andere Festung, um uns dem Kapitän der ORCs zu stellen. Es war ein großer Kampf.
#middleearthshadowofwar #shadowofwar #warnerbros #monolithproductions #pcgaming #gameplay #videogames #videogame #games #youtubegaming #pcgames #gamingpc #gamers #gaming #gamer #jogo #pc #game #xcloud #gamepass #xboxcloudgaming #cloudgaming #xboxseriesx #xboxgamer #xbox1 #xbox
#middleearthshadowofwar #shadowofwar #warnerbros #monolithproductions #pcgaming #gameplay #videogames #videogame #games #youtubegaming #pcgames #gamingpc #gamers #gaming #gamer #Jogo #pc #game #xCloud #gamepass #xboxcloudgaming #cloudgaming #xboxseriesx #xboxgamer #xbox1 #xbox
„Das Warten hat ein Ende, der neue Teil unserer Fallout 4-Saga ist verfügbar! Besuchen Sie: und probieren Sie es aus!“
#pc #xboxgaming #xboxgames #bethesda #pcgaming #pcgamer #xboxgamer #achievements #gameplay #game #fallout4 #fallout #xbox #falloutcommunity #games #intags #gameplays #xboxgamepass
#pc #xboxgaming #xboxgames #bethesda #pcgaming #pcgamer #xboxgamer #achievements #gameplay #game #fallout4 #Fallout #xbox #falloutcommunity #games #intags #gameplays #XboxGamePass
„Das Warten hat ein Ende, die neue Folge unserer Grounded-Saga ist verfügbar! Besuchen Sie: und schauen Sie es sich an!
#grounded #xboxgamer #xcloud #xboxgamepass #xboxbr #gamepassultimate #xboxgamepassultimate #gamepasspc #pcgamepass #gameplays #xboxgamepasspc #cloudgaming #gamepass #gameplay #xbox #groundedgame #jogos #gameplayer #xboxgaming #intags #xboxgames
#Grounded #xboxgamer #xCloud #XboxGamePass #xboxbr #gamepassultimate #XboxGamePassUltimate #gamepasspc #pcgamepass #gameplays #xboxgamepasspc #cloudgaming #gamepass #gameplay #xbox #groundedgame #jogos #gameplayer #xboxgaming #intags #xboxgames
[Jet Set Radio Future]
More at my blog,,, and il_mangiaavventure, links in bio!
Jet Set Radio Future is definitely a pretty cool and groovy game, the personification of Hip Hop 😎.
#jetsetradio #jetsetradiofuture #JSRF #xbox #xboxoriginal #retrogaming #HIPHOP #gamergirl #gamergirls #xboxgamer #segadreamcastgames #hiphopgame
#JetSetRadio #JetSetRadioFuture #jsrf #xbox #xboxoriginal #retrogaming #hiphop #gamergirl #gamergirls #xboxgamer #segadreamcastgames #hiphopgame
I don't care if this is the "Deluxe" edition or not, £90 is an obscene price for a game.
And no, this isn't a dig at this particular retailer who I happen to respect a lot, it speaks more to the publisher who sets the RRP.
(And yes, I know there is a standard edition.)
RT @shoptonet
Pre-order Now! £89.85 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Deluxe Edition #XBOX X #EA #StarWarsJediSurvivorDeluxeEdition #XboxGamer #XboxSeriesX #XboxLiveGold #XboxG…
#xbox #ea #starwarsjedisurvivordeluxeedition #xboxgamer #xboxseriesx #xboxlivegold #xboxg
I don't care if this is the "Deluxe" edition or not, £90 is an obscene price for a game.
And no, this isn't a dig at this particular retailer who I happen to respect a lot, it speaks more to the publisher who sets the RRP.
(And yes, I know there is a standard edition.)
RT @shoptonet
Pre-order Now! £89.85 Star Wars Jedi Survivor Deluxe Edition #XBOX X #EA #StarWarsJediSurvivorDeluxeEdition #XboxGamer #XboxSeriesX #XboxLiveGold #XboxG…
#xbox #ea #starwarsjedisurvivordeluxeedition #xboxgamer #xboxseriesx #xboxlivegold #xboxg
My four most recently played games.
What are yours? 👀
🎮 Account Tags 👇🏻
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There's something about emulating PS2 and Gamecube games on an Xbox Series S using developer mode !!
#xboxemulation #xboxseriesS #xboxgamer #gamerlife #emulation #retrogames #retrogaming #PS2 #nintendogamecube
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