Yo era de aquellos que opinaban que la tarjeta X o los velos no eran necesarios en el rol, que esas cosas eran hablarlas como personas y con eso bastaba. Hasta que me vi el episodio del perro en Full Metal Alchemist.
I was one of those who thought that the X card or veils were not necessary in the role, that those things were to talk about them as people and that was enough. Until I watched the dog episode in Full Metal Alchemist.
#ttrpg #xcard #anime #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood
So far we’ve come; so far to go.
#darksoulstheroleplayinggame #rpgsafetyandconsent #xcard
Physical X- and Pause-card by BeePeeGee. Safety techniques make collaborative storytelling better but are generally a helpful concept for human communication. Treat yourself more often with a Pause, or remove certain topics for a while from your mind if they are harming you.
#ttrpg #larp #LAOG #safetytools #xcard
#umac2 #JdR "X-Card, ou ces gens terrorisés par l'Imaginaire (ou leurs fantasmes)... " #reprise #XCard #limites #ridicule #démonstration #SafeSpace #Catharsis #Imaginaire #JeuDeRôle #Sécurisation #échange #discussion #réflexion ... https://umac2.blogspot.com/2019/01/x-card-ou-ces-gens-terrorises-par.html
#umac2 #jdr #reprise #xcard #limites #ridicule #démonstration #safespace #catharsis #imaginaire #jeuderôle #sécurisation #échange #discussion #réflexion
#Millenials (?) #SafeSpace #Hack #IAmOffended #Xcard ... J'ai compris un truc ! Des personnes qui n'aiment pas la contradiction car élevées de façon totalement protégées et s'aménagent des environnements sociaux de convenance, sans autres idées que les leurs !
#millenials #safespace #hack #IAmOffended #xcard