Very high winds knocked out our internet and then our power yesterday afternoon.
Kudos to #XcelEnergy for rushing out and repairing the damage tout de suite. I saw them on scene promptly and then everything was fine, like a vision of what this world could be.
Xcel Energy to temporarily shut down #Monticello nuclear plant after two radioactive water leaks; company says no threat to public
March 24, 2023
"On Wednesday, the plant's monitoring equipment detected hundreds of gallons worth of radioactive water since the crews made temporary repairs, and that it had reached #groundwater. Officials say the contaminated water, containing the radioactive isotope #tritium, has not yet reached the #MississippiRiver, which runs next to the plant.
"When the leak was first detected back in November, Xcel used a catchment and a pumping strategy to recovered the water containing tritium. They say they've recovered about 30% of that water so far. But over the past couple days, some of that radioactive water was spilling over the catchment, creating a new leak."
#Minnesota #XcelEnergy #Monticello #NoNukes #NoMoreNukes #RethinkNotRestart #NoDumping #Fukushima
#monticello #groundwater #tritium #mississippiriver #minnesota #xcelenergy #nonukes #nomorenukes #rethinknotrestart #nodumping #fukushima
March 17, 2023: #Minnesota #Nuclear power plant leaks 400,000 gallons of radioactive water
While Xcel Energy reported the leak of water containing tritium to state and federal authorities in late November, the spill had not been made public before Thursday.
"When asked why Xcel Energy didn’t notify the public earlier, the company said: “We understand the importance of quickly informing the communities we serve if a situation poses an immediate threat to health and safety. In this case, there was no such threat.” The company said it focused on investigating the situation, containing the affected water and figuring out next steps."
#Minnesota #XcelEnergy #Monticello #NoNukes #NoMoreNukes #RethinkNotRestart
#minnesota #nuclear #xcelenergy #monticello #nonukes #nomorenukes #rethinknotrestart
Xcel Energy is holding a press conference announcing the temporary shutdown of the #Monticello #nuclear power plant to fix a #tritium leak. Xcel’s Chris Clark says there is no threat to groundwater in the area and he also doesn’t anticipate any impact on electric service.
“The new leak, announced a day after Xcel Energy says it was discovered, was found to be coming from a temporary fix to the original leak, the company said in a statement.
#monticello #nuclear #tritium #xcelenergy #monticellonuclearplant #lockhartvmedia
Any other #coloradoans want to join me in demanding that Governor Polis recall PUC Chief Economist Erin O'Neill and Deputy Commissioner Gene Camp? They are falling over themselves trying to defend rate increases for Xcel Energy, using nonsensical arguments like Xcel has to increase rates on natural gas despite record profits because the profits are generated by investments in clean energy which means they are using less natural gas
#Colorado #XcelEnergy
#coloradoans #colorado #xcelenergy
Everyone is familiar with Google. Who are these 2 other companies representing: Amber Kestral and Elk River Technologies? Is it Apple? Netflix? I know Amber Kestral and Elk River are development shells for someone. There's a lot of land involved.
#datacenter #startribune #Google #Minnesota #Energy #XcelEnergy
#xcelenergy #energy #Minnesota #google #startribune #datacenter