I migrated few days ago to #Xcode String Catalogs but it was not syncing strings when building the project 🫤
I had to remove & add again the catalog. Now, new strings are added 🤩
Do you know if there is a way to have unused strings being removed too?
We are excited to announce the release of the latest version of #XcodeProj, 8.15.0! This update includes support for the new attribute preferredScreenCaptureFormat in scheme test actions. Check out the release on GitHub:
#Xcode #Swift
Exciting "Apps at Scale" series with Trendyol! Renowned for e-commerce and innovative iOS app development. In this interview, we explore Trendyol's organization, project framework, code architecture, productivity, and processes. Did you know Trendyol manages 230 modules through Tuist? Their dependency management system and testing approach with over 25K tests highlight their focus on quality products. Read the full interview here:
#Xcode: I got lots of „log/signpost messages lost due to high rates in live mode recording. To guarantee delivery of all logs, set IDELogRedirectionPolicy to oslogToStdio in the environment of the executable.“ When I do that and let it log to the console instead, no „lost“ messages appear. Seems to be an internal thing in the iOS 17 Betas. Anyone knows how to get rid of this?
#Xcode 15 release notes tells the Preview macro can be used in projects with targets prior to iOS 17. It works, but not if I use the sizeThatFitsLayout in Preview traits. Feedback: #FB13136494
Error: 'sizeThatFitsLayout' is only available in iOS 17.0 or newer.
Any workaround?
On a brighter note I deal with #Xcode’s lack of cross-file templates when making conformance extension by first defining conformance in main structure like so:
Struct Person: Encodable {
Then in the struct’s body, I do something like `codingKeys` and press TAB in order to insert the template. Then I do the same with the `encodeTo` method and then I move stuff out to new file, such as `Person+EncodableConformance.swift` and remove the conformance from `person.swift`. Nice and clean. And shit is in order. #programming #tip
Quake 2 Ported to Apple Watch - DOOM always seems to spontaneously appear on any new device the day it’s released.... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/06/quake-2-ported-to-apple-watch/ #touchcontrols #applewatch #quake2 #games #build #quake #xcode #mac
#mac #xcode #quake #build #games #quake2 #applewatch #touchcontrols
Is there a way to develop an app for sonoma without installing it on my production machine? I’m thinking about virtualization, but it seems there is no convenient way to press Run in xcode and it just works™️
#macOS #development #xcode #virtualization
#virtualization #xcode #development #macos
XCBeautify now includes an output format option specifically designed for GitHub Actions. @charlespisciotta, along with the valuable input from @eliperkins, introduced the concept of a renderer and successfully implemented the GitHub Actions renderer. This new feature utilizes workflow commands to display information on pull requests.
Have you ever Disabled a unit test in Xcode? Dont you wish the editor window had some form of disabled indicator for the test function. Maybe use the strikethrough font for the name. Almost any thing would be better than the slightly grayed Navigator listing that you may have closed.
@Apple #Xcode 15 Beta #DisabledUnitTestAnnotation is needed.
#xcode #disabledunittestannotation
Running Xcode 15 beta 8 - The Bookmarks feature is focused on unimportant data - file, line number - not the bookmark's TITLE (description). Compare to the nicely updated Logger info in the console.
Was catching up on my emails this week when I realised my latest article got featured on the Accessible Mobile Apps newsletter! 😱 ❤️
Check out the issue here 👉 https://accessible-mobile-apps-weekly.ghost.io/accessible-mobile-apps-issue-48
In the #Xcode I didn't know department. Old images of CoreSimulator do not uninstall themselves. Over a series of betas you might possibly run out of disk space from obsolete simulators. Go to Preferences and the Platforms tab. Delete the non-compatible and old simulators to recover a lot of disk space - mine was somewhere around 50GB.
I have started a bounty on #StackOverflow for a question I didn't ask, but that I really care about every #Xcode and #macOS beta season: how do I transfer an archive from the Organizer on one machine to another?
This has to be one of my favourite Xcode features when it comes to unit testing, such a great way to debug race conditions and fix flaky tests 🤩
#qiita #Xcode #SourceTree #Swift #未経験からiOSエンジニア
#qiita #xcode #sourcetree #swift #未経験からiosエンジニア
I’m on Mastodon for two things.
I build things on Apple platforms. I make @tact. I read (a lot) and post (a little) about related technologies: #Swift, #SwiftUI, #Combine, #CloudKit, #CoreData, #Xcode, #concurrency, as well as product design.
I support Ukraine. I follow Ukrainians and friends of 🇺🇦. Please donate to 🇺🇦 until 🗑🇷🇺 is gone: https://u24.gov.ua or any other respected charity. My Twitter is mostly about Ukraine - https://twitter.com/jaanus
#introduction #swift #swiftui #Combine #cloudkit #coredata #xcode #concurrency
Anything in Xcode that you wish was also available in Android Studio by default?
One example:
In Xcode, we have Cmd+Shift+J to find the location of a file. In Android Studio, we have to use a mouse to click on the little wheel-like icon.
Any other? #androiddev #xcode