Haven't been able to export #Fedigardens automatically with #XcodeCloud, as it seems that it's failing to sign it. Has anyone seen this before?
#fedigardens #xcodecloud #iosdev
#Swift #XCTest #SnapshotTesting #XcodeCloud
Point-Free has an excellent snapshot-testing library that lets you unit test your view snapshots (screenshots). It does not work with Xcode Cloud out of the box, because test runner environment in Xcode Cloud does not have access to the source repository, which snapshot-testing assumes by default.
Here’s my solution for making snapshot-testing work correctly with Xcode Cloud. https://jaanus.com/snapshot-testing-xcode-cloud/
#swift #xctest #snapshottesting #xcodecloud
Does anyone else think Xcode Cloud is a bit pricey? After burning some hours experimenting, I probably won't go over 25 hours/month, but that free tier ends in December. I feel like we should get some free compute with our developer program membership, no? And that's compute hours, so parallel tasks cost for each task. #Xcode #XcodeCloud #Apple
Xcode Cloud は銀の弾丸になるのか
#Xcode #CICD #XcodeCloud
A bit of a longer article this week, but I am so happy with the way it is turning out 👀
As always, the article will be published tomorrow evening 😁📆
This is how you can trigger a #XcodeCloud workflow by making a network request to App Store Connect's API using Swift.
💡 This is particularily useful if you want to add a trigger which is currently not built into #XcodeCloud.
Learn more: https://www.polpiella.dev/using-app-store-connect-api-to-trigger-xcode-cloud-workflows
It amazes me that App Store Connect can’t remember my TestFlight information for the life of me whenever I make ANY change to a workflow for #XcodeCloud. Seriously?!
“How many times do I need to teach you this lesson, old man?!”
Ok so I think what I might try is to have a private repo for #XcodeCloud, and a public repo for people to see how the app is built.
Anyone have an idea of how to fix this issue. I have a swift app and I am trying to use #XcodeCloud. I have a plist file with api keys that I would not like to have public on #GitHub. I get an input file error when I try to make builds in Xcode Cloud about this file being missing. Any ideas how to fix this?
Really nice how fast you can distribute a first version through TestFlight with Xcode Cloud
#Swift #XcodeCloud #KNXplorer #KNX
#swift #xcodecloud #knxplorer #knx