AOSbot · @aosbot
22 followers · 1621 posts · Server

Title: Learning CO$_2$ plume migration in faulted reservoirs with Graph Neural Networks.

Deep-learning-based surrogate models provide an efficient complement to
numerical simulations for subsurface flow problems such as CO$_2$ geological
storage. Accurately capturing the impact of faults on CO$_2$ plume migration
remains a challenge for many exis [...]

Authors: Xin Ju, Fran&;ois P. Hamon, Gege Wen, Rayan Kanfar, Mauricio Araya-Polo, Hamdi A. Tchelepi



Last updated 1 year ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
21 followers · 1495 posts · Server

Title: Weather regimes and related atmospheric composition at a Pyrenean observatory characterized by hierarchical clustering of a 5-year data set.

Atmospheric composition measurements taken at many high-altitude stations
around the world, aim [...]

Authors: Gueffier J&;r&;my, Gheusi Fran&;ois, Lothon Marie, Pont V&;ronique, Philibert Alban, Lohou Fabienne, Derrien Sol&;ne, Bezombes Yannick, Athier Gilles, Meyerfeld Yves, Vial Antoine


#xE9 #xe7 #xe8

Last updated 2 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
21 followers · 1495 posts · Server

Title: Transformer-based Modeling of Physical Systems: Improved Latent Representations.

Many phenomena from physics and engineering require highly flexible models,
and have ample data with which to fit. However, this data is often irregularly
sampled, and cannot be processed as it is by standard deep learning
architecture. We propose a transformer-based model for forecasting physical
pro [...]

Authors: Arnaud Pannatier, Kyle Matoba, Fran&;ois Fleuret



Last updated 2 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Accurate Extrinsic Prediction of Physical Systems Using Transformers.

Accurate high-altitude wind forecasting is important for air traffic control.
And the large volume of data available for this task makes deep neural
network-based models a possibility. However, special methods are required
because the data is measured only sparsely: along the main aircraft
trajectories and arran [...]

Authors: Arnaud Pannatier, Kyle Matoba, Fran&;ois Fleuret



Last updated 2 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Accurate Extrinsic Prediction of Physical Systems Using Transformers.

Accurate high-altitude wind forecasting is important for air traffic control.
And the large volume of data available for this task makes deep neural
network-based models a possibility. However, special methods are required
because the data is measured only sparsely: along the main aircraft
trajectories and arran [...]

Authors: Arnaud Pannatier, Kyle Matoba, Fran&;ois Fleuret



Last updated 2 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Leveraging data from nearby stations to improve short-term wind speed forecasts.

In this paper, we address the issue of short-term wind speed prediction at a
given site. We show that, when one uses spatiotemporal information as provided
by wind data of neighboring stations, one significantly improves the prediction
quality. Our methodology does not focus on any peculiar forecasting model bu [...]

Authors: Rachel Ba&;le, Jean-Fran&;ois Muzy


#xef #xe7

Last updated 2 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI). Part I: Dry Cases -- The fellowship of the GCMs.

With the commissioning of powerful, new-generation telescopes such [...]

Authors: Martin Turbet, Thomas J. Fauchez, Denis E. Sergeev, Ian A. Boutle, Kostas Tsigaridis, Michael J. Way, Eric T. Wolf, Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, Fran&;ois Forget, Jacob Haqq-Misra, Ravi K. Kopparapu, F. Hugo Lambert, James Manners, Nathan J. Mayne, Linda Sohl



Last updated 2 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Leveraging data from nearby stations to improve short-term wind speed forecasts.

In this paper, we address the issue of short term wind speed prediction at a
given site. We show that, when one uses spatio-temporal information as provided
by wind data of neighboring stations, one significantly improves the prediction
at all horizons ranging from 1 to 6 hours ahead. By considering various
pre [...]

Authors: Rachel Ba&;le, Jean-Fran&;ois Muzy


#xef #xe7

Last updated 2 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: The "teapot in a city": a paradigm shift in urban climate modeling.

Urban areas are a high-stake target of climate change mitigation and
adaptat [...]

Authors: Najda Villefranque, Fr&;d&;ric Hourdin, Louis d&;Alen&;on, St&;phane Blanco, Olivier Boucher, Cyril Caliot, Christophe Coustet, J&;r&;mi Dauchet, Mouna El Hafi, Olivier Farges, Vincent Forest, Richard Fournier, Val&;ry Masson, Benjamin Piaud, Robert Schoetter


#xE9 #x27 #xe7

Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: The "teapot in a city": a paradigm shift in urban climate modeling.

Urban areas are a high-stake target of climate change mitigation and
adaptat [...]

Authors: Najda Villefranque, Fr&;d&;ric Hourdin, Louis d&;Alen&;on, St&;phane Blanco, Olivier Boucher, Cyril Caliot, Christophe Coustet, J&;r&;mi Dauchet, Mouna El Hafi, Olivier Farges, Vincent Forest, Richard Fournier, Val&;ry Masson, Benjamin Piaud, Robert Schoetter


#xE9 #x27 #xe7

Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Seasonal prediction of renewable energy generation in Europe based on four teleconnection indices.

With growing amounts of wind and solar power in the electricity mix of many
European countries, understanding and predicting variations of renewable energy
generation at multiple timescales is crucial to ensure reliable electricity
systems. At seasonal sc [...]

Authors: Lloren&; Lled&;, Jaume Ramon, Albert Soret, Francisco-Javier Doblas-Reyes


#xe7 #xf3

Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Towards the use of conservative thermodynamic variables in data assimilation: a case study using ground-based microwave radiometer measurements.

This study aims at introducing two conservative thermodynamic variables
(moist-air entropy potential temperature and total water content) into a
one-dimensional variational data a [...]

Authors: Pascal Marquet, Pauline Martinet, Jean-Fran&;ois Mahfouf, Alina Lavinia Barbu, Benjamin M&;n&;trier


#xe7 #xE9

Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: A revised lower estimate of ozone columns during Earth's oxygenated history.

The history of molecular oxygen (O$_2$) in Earth's atmosphere is still
debated; however, geological evidence supports at least two major episodes
where O$_2$ increased by an order of magnitude or more: the Great Oxidation
Event (GOE) and the Neoproterozoic Oxidation Event [...]

Authors: Gregory Cooke, Dan Marsh, Catherine Walsh, Benjamin Black, Jean-Fran&;ois Lamarque



Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Local-time Dependence of Chemical Species in the Venusian Mesosphere.

Observed chemical species in the Venusian mesosphere show local-time
variabilities. SO2 at the cloud top exhibits two local maxima over local time,
H2O at the cloud top is uniformly distributed, and CO in the upper atmosphere
shows a statistical difference between the two terminators. [...]

Authors: Wencheng D. Shao, Xi Zhang, Jo&;o Mendon&;a, Th&;r&;se Encrenaz


#xe3 #xe7 #xE9 #xe8

Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Data assimilation using conservative thermodynamic variables.

This study aims at introducing two conservative thermodynamic variables
(moist-air entropy potential temperature and total water content) into a
one-dimensional variational data assimilation system (1D-Var) to demonstrate
the benefit for future operational assim [...]

Authors: Pascal Marquet, Pauline Martinet, Jean-Fran&;ois Mahfouf, Alina Lavinia Barbu, Benjamin M&;n&;trier


#xe7 #xE9

Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: General Circulation Model Errors are Variable across Exoclimate Parameter Spaces.

General circulation models are often used to explore exoclimate parameter
spaces and classify atmospheric circulation regimes. Models are tuned to give
reasonable climate states for standard test cases, such as the Held-Suarez
test, and then used to simulate divers [...]

Authors: Pushkar Kopparla, Russell Deitrick, Kevin Heng, Jo&;o M. Mendon&;a, Mark Hammond


#xe3 #xe7

Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI). Part I: Dry Cases -- The fellowship of the GCMs.

With the commissioning of powerful, new-generation telescopes such [...]

Authors: Martin Turbet, Thomas J. Fauchez, Denis E. Sergeev, Ian A. Boutle, Kostas Tsigaridis, Michael J. Way, Eric T. Wolf, Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, Fran&;ois Forget, Jacob Haqq-Misra, Ravi K. Kopparapu, F. Hugo Lambert, James Manners, Nathan J. Mayne, Linda Sohl



Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Super-resolution data assimilation.

Increasing the resolution of a model can improve the performance of a data
assimilation system: first because model field are in better agreement with
high resolution observations, then the corrections are better sustained and,
with ensemble data assimilation, the forecast error covariances are improved.

Authors: S&;bastien Barth&;l&;my, Julien Brajard, Laurent Bertino, Fran&;ois Counillon


#xE9 #xe7

Last updated 3 years ago