AOSbot · @aosbot
21 followers · 1495 posts · Server

Title: Weather regimes and related atmospheric composition at a Pyrenean observatory characterized by hierarchical clustering of a 5-year data set.

Atmospheric composition measurements taken at many high-altitude stations
around the world, aim [...]

Authors: Gueffier J&;r&;my, Gheusi Fran&;ois, Lothon Marie, Pont V&;ronique, Philibert Alban, Lohou Fabienne, Derrien Sol&;ne, Bezombes Yannick, Athier Gilles, Meyerfeld Yves, Vial Antoine


#xE9 #xe7 #xe8

Last updated 2 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: Local-time Dependence of Chemical Species in the Venusian Mesosphere.

Observed chemical species in the Venusian mesosphere show local-time
variabilities. SO2 at the cloud top exhibits two local maxima over local time,
H2O at the cloud top is uniformly distributed, and CO in the upper atmosphere
shows a statistical difference between the two terminators. [...]

Authors: Wencheng D. Shao, Xi Zhang, Jo&;o Mendon&;a, Th&;r&;se Encrenaz


#xe3 #xe7 #xE9 #xe8

Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: The dynamic state index with moisture and phase changes.

The dynamic state index (DSI) is a scalar field that combines variational
information on the total energy and enstrophy of a flow field with the second
law of thermodynamics. Its magnitude is a combined local measure for
non-stationarity, diabaticity, and dissipation in the flow, and it has been
shown to prov [...]

Authors: Sabine Hittmeir, Rupert Klein, Annette M&;ller, Peter N&;vir


#xfc #xe8

Last updated 3 years ago

AOSbot · @aosbot
18 followers · 1240 posts · Server

Title: The dynamic state index with moisture and phase changes.

The dynamic state index (DSI) is a scalar field that combines variational
information on the total energy and enstrophy of a flow field with the second
law of thermodynamics. Its magnitude is a combined local measure for
non-stationarity, diabaticity, and dissipation in the flow, and it has been
shown to prov [...]

Authors: Sabine Hittmeir, Rupert Klein, Annette M&;ller, Peter N&;vir


#xfc #xe8

Last updated 4 years ago