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Title: Percolation anticipates abrupt changes in coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators and the El Ni\~no-Southern Oscillation: an explanatory analysis.
Functional networks are powerful tools to study statistical interdependency
structures in spatially extended or multi-variable systems. They have been used
to get insights into the dynamics of co [...]
Authors: Noémie Ehstand, Reik V. Donner, Cristóbal López, Emilio Hernández-García
Title: Assessing Long-Distance Atmospheric Transport of Soilborne Plant Pathogens.
Pathogenic fungi are a leading cause of crop disease and primarily spread
through microscopic, durable spores adapted differentially for both persistence
and dispersal. Computational Earth System Models [...]
Authors: Hannah Brodsky, Rocío Calderón, Douglas S. Hamilton, Longlei Li, Andrew Miles, Ryan Pavlick, Kaitlin M. Gold, Sharifa G. Crandall, Natalie Mahowald
Very inconvenient when F10 is used to step in the debugger, but to sort the open file in #xed where I'm taking notes.
Title: Generating Initial Conditions for Ensemble Data Assimilation of Large-Eddy Simulations with Latent Diffusion Models.
In order to accurately reconstruct the time history of the atmospheric state,
ensemble-based data assimilation algorithms need to be initialized
appropriately. At present, there is no standard approach to [...]
Authors: Alex Rybchuk, Malik Hassanaly, Nicholas Hamilton, Paula Doubrawa, Mitchell J. Fulton, Luis A. Martínez-Tossas
Title: Multistability in a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Reduced Order Model: Non-linear Temperature Equations.
Multistabilities were found in the ocean-atmosphere flow, in a reduced order
ocean-atmosphere coupled model, when the non-linear temperature equations were
solved numerically. In this paper we explain how the full non-linear
Stefan-Bolzmann law was numeri [...]
Authors: Oisín Hamilton, Jonathan Demaeyer, Stéphane Vannitsem, Michel Crucifix
Title: Post-processing output from ensembles with and without parametrised convection, to create accurate, blended, high-fidelity rainfall forecasts.
Flash flooding is a significant societal problem, but related precipitation
forecasts are often poor. To address this, one can try to use output from
convection-parametrising (global) ensembles, post-processed to forecast at
point-scal [...]
Authors: Estíbaliz Gascón, Andrea Montani, Tim D. Hewson
Title: Simplified Two-Dimensional Model for Global Atmospheric Dynamics.
We present a simplified model of the atmosphere of a terrestrial planet as an
open two-dimensional system described by an ideal gas with velocity $\vec{v}$,
density $\rho$ and temperature $T$ fields. Starting with the Chern-Simons
equations for a free inviscid fluid, the external effects of radiation and the
ex [...]
Authors: Martín Jacques-Coper, Valentina Ortiz, Jorge Zanelli
Title: Pyrocast: a Machine Learning Pipeline to Forecast Pyrocumulonimbus (PyroCb) Clouds.
Pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) clouds are storm clouds generated by extreme
wildfires. PyroCbs are associated with unpredictable, and therefore dangerous,
wildfire spread. They can also inject smoke particles and trace gas [...]
Authors: Kenza Tazi, Emiliano Díaz Salas-Porras, Ashwin Braude, Daniel Okoh, Kara D. Lamb, Duncan Watson-Parris, Paula Harder, Nis Meinert
Title: Pyrocast: a Machine Learning Pipeline to Forecast Pyrocumulonimbus (PyroCb) Clouds.
Pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) clouds are storm clouds generated by extreme
wildfires. PyroCbs are associated with unpredictable, and therefore dangerous,
wildfire spread. They can also inject smoke particles and trace gas [...]
Authors: Kenza Tazi, Emiliano Díaz Salas-Porras, Ashwin Braude, Daniel Okoh, Kara D. Lamb, Duncan Watson-Parris, Paula Harder, Nis Meinert
Title: The Moisture-Entrainment-Convection Feedback Can Lead to Spontaneous Tropical Cyclone Genesis.
In contrast to prevailing knowledge, Ram\'irez Reyes and Yang (2021) showed
that tropical cyclones (TCs) can form spontaneously without moisture-radiation
and surface-flux feedbacks in a cloud-resolving model (CRM) simulation. Here we
ask, why? Fourteen 3D cloud-resolving simulations show that the
moisture [...]
Authors: Argel Ramírez Reyes, Da Yang
Title: Adiabatic lapse rate of real gases.
We derive a formula for the dry adiabatic lapse rate of atmospheres composed
of real gases. We restrict our study to those described by a family of
two-parameter cubic equations of state and the recent Guevara non-cubic
equation. Since our formula depends on the adiabatic curves, we compute them
all at once, considering molec [...]
Authors: Bogar Díaz, Miguel Ángel García Ariza, J. E. Ramírez
Title: Analysis, Characterization, Prediction and Attribution of Extreme Atmospheric Events with Machine Learning: a Review.
Atmospheric Extreme Events (EEs) cause severe damages to human societies and
ec [...]
Authors: Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Jorge Pérez-Aracil, Guido Ascenso, Javier Del Ser, David Casillas-Pérez, Christopher Kadow, Dusan Fister, David Barriopedro, Ricardo García-Herrera, Marcello Restelli, Mateo Giuliani, Andrea Castelletti
Title: Exploring Jupiter's Polar Deformation Lengths with High Resolution Shallow Water Modeling.
The polar regions of Jupiter host a myriad of dynamically interesting
phenomena including vortex configurations, folded-filamentary regions (FFRs),
and chaotic flows. Juno observations have provided unprecedented views of the
high latitudes, allowing fo [...]
Authors: Ali Hyder, Wladimir Lyra, Nancy Chanover, Raúl Morales-Juberías, Jason Jackiewicz
Title: Simplified Two-Dimensional Model for Global Atmospheric Dynamics.
We present a simplified model of the atmosphere of a terrestrial planet as an
open two-dimensional system described by an ideal gas with velocity $\vec{v}$,
density $\rho$ and temperature $T$ fields. Starting with the Chern-Simons
equations for a free inviscid fluid, the external effects of radiation and the
ex [...]
Authors: Martín Jacques-Coper, Valentina Ortiz, Jorge Zanelli
Title: Simplified Two-Dimensional Model for Global Atmospheric Dynamics.
We present a simplified model of the atmosphere of a terrestrial planet as an
open two-dimensional system described by an ideal gas with velocity $\vec{v}$,
density $\rho$ and temperature $T$ fields. Starting with the Chern-Simons
equations for a free inviscid fluid, the external effects of radiation and the
ex [...]
Authors: Martín Jacques-Coper, Valentina Ortiz, Jorge Zanelli
Title: Simplified Two-Dimensional Model for Global Atmospheric Dynamics.
We present a simplified model of the atmosphere of a terrestrial planet as an
open two-dimensional system described by an ideal gas with velocity $\vec{v}$,
density $\rho$ and temperature $T$ fields. Starting with the Chern-Simons
equations for a free inviscid fluid, the external effects of radiation and the
ex [...]
Authors: Martín Jacques-Coper, Valentina Ortiz, Jorge Zanelli
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Title: A lightning monitoring system for studying transient phenomena in cosmic ray observatories.
During thunderstorms, the atmospheric electric field can increase above
hundreds of kV/m, causing an acceleration in the charged particles of secondary
cosmic rays. Such an acceleration causes avalanche processes in the atmosphere,
enhancing/reducing [...]
Authors: J. Peña-Rodríguez, P. Salgado-Meza, L. Flórez-Villegas, L. A. Núñez
Title: Benchmarks for Solar Radiation Time Series Forecasting.
With an ever-increasing share of intermittent renewable energy in the world's
energy mix,there is an increasing need for advanced solar power forecasting
models to optimize the operation and control of solar power plants. In order to
justify the need for more [...]
Authors: Cyril Voyant, Gilles Notton, Jean-Laurent Duchaud, Luis Antonio García Gutiérrez, Jamie M. Bright, Dazhi Yang