@vwbusguy @benjamineskola @josephholsten @fuchsiii personally, I've also had some use time with #ash on #Busybox but that's just because I have on occasions dealt with #embedded devices and have a copy of #Floppinux.
And yes, I'm still intrigued on the idea of a #1440kB distro that one can blindly autoboot into and that automatically opens up #SSH to allow for remote login if not automatically opens it's own SSH tunnel.
Kinda like #XeLL...
#xell #ssh #1440kb #floppinux #Embedded #busybox #ash
@moreentropy well, M.2 does have #USB in the standard but the delay does seem to hint towards #overheating rather than caching or buffering issues, as these should appear within seconds...
Still, the scenario of yours does want me to take a closer look at "recovery" / "rescue" #Linux #distro|s that one could just blindly boot into from USB/ODD/Network and have a system accessible to ssh into.
#xbox360 #xell #distro #Linux #overheating #USB