My additions to #Xenio's Knucklebone Werestag Leader #Cairn conversion.
5 HP, Armor 1, 12 STR, 12 WIL, Horns (d10), Charge Attack, Antler Lift
* Charge Attack: (d6) On max damage (6 on a d6), a target must make a DEX save or be knocked prone and must spend next turn getting back on their feet.
* Antler Lift: a target next to the werestag must make a DEX save or be lifted off their feet by the Werestag’s antlers and thrown to the ground for d4 DEX damage.
#xenio #cairn #werestag #monsterwrangler
I'm doing additional conversions to the already converted monsters for #WillDoyle & #StaceyAllan's #TempleOfTheMoonPriests to run with the #Cairn #TTRPG. Maybe "refinements" is a better word.
The original monster conversions are credited to #Xenio based on the Annotated Temple of the Moon Priests by #DismasterFraNe.
My personal monster design tastes are informed by the old #DungeonWorldTavern group on #GooglePlus.
#willdoyle #staceyallan #templeofthemoonpriests #cairn #ttrpg #xenio #dismasterfrane #dungeonworldtavern #googleplus #monsterwrangler