@whoops @mycotropic @darwin
Native bees don't need to be "managed" as directly as honeybees. They just need to be encouraged and supported with forage, nesting sites, and gardening/agricultural practices.
Xerces has done a lot of research in this area, and has information for both gardeners and farmers.
An icon of anthropogenic #extinction: #Xerces Blue #butterfly #genome sequenced.
#extinction #xerces #butterfly #genome #genomics #conservation
"The study, led by researchers from the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF), and the Museum of Natural Sciences in Barcelona, has succeeded in sequencing the complete genome of the Xerces Blue butterfly, the first butterfly to become extinct"
#genome #Xerces #bluebutterfly #extinct
#genome #xerces #bluebutterfly #extinct
1/ It's Pollinator Week, and time for the topical memes I created. But before we get into that, I want to share this excellent publication released just last week by the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation ("Xerces)":
Why Getting a Hive Won't "Save the Bees"
PDF, 8pp, the last of which is a full page of References.
#Bees #Conservation #Honeybees #Pollinators #PollinatorWeek #Xerces #XercesSociety #Ecology #BioDiversity #Agriculture
cc: @darwin
#bees #conservation #honeybees #pollinators #pollinatorweek #xerces #xercessociety #ecology #biodiversity #agriculture
#Xerces Society Webinars
Learn more about our #pollinators, now important they are and ways to help save pollinators.