Title: A multi-modal representation of El Ni\~no Southern Oscillation Diversity.
The El Ni\~no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is characterized by alternating
periods of warm (El Ni\~no) and cold (La Ni\~na) sea surface temperature
anomalies (SSTA) in the equatorial Pacific. Although El Ni\~no and La Ni\~na
are well-defined climate patterns, no two events are alike. To dat [...]
Authors: Jakob Schlör, Felix Strnad, Antonietta Capotondi, Bedartha Goswami
Title: Gaussian processes at the Helm(holtz): A more fluid model for ocean currents.
Given sparse observations of buoy velocities, oceanographers are interested
in reconstructing ocean currents away from the buoys and identifying
divergences in a current vector field. As a first and modular step, we [...]
Authors: Renato Berlinghieri, Brian L. Trippe, David R. Burt, Ryan Giordano, Kaushik Srinivasan, Tamay Özgökmen, Junfei Xia, Tamara Broderick
Title: Test experiments with distributed acoustic sensing and hydrophone arrays for locating underwater sound sources.
Whales and dolphins rely on sound for navigation and communication, making
them an intriguing subject for studying language evolution. Traditional
hydrophone arrays have been used to record their acoustic behavior, but opt [...]
Authors: Jörg Rychen, Patrick Paitz, Pascal Edme, Krystyna Smolinski, Joeri Brackenhoff, Andreas Fichtner
Title: A discontinuous Galerkin approach for atmospheric flows with implicit condensation.
We present a discontinuous Galerkin method for moist atmospheric dynamics,
with and without warm rain. By considering a combined density for water vapour
and cloud water, we avoid the need to model and compute a source term for
condensation. We recover the vapour and cloud dens [...]
Authors: Sabine Hittmeir, Philip L. Lederer, Joachim Schöberl, Henry von Wahl
Title: Gaussian processes at the Helm(holtz): A more fluid model for ocean currents.
Oceanographers are interested in predicting ocean currents and identifying
divergences in a current vector field based on sparse observations of buoy
velocities. Since we expect current velocity to be a continuous b [...]
Authors: Renato Berlinghieri, Brian L. Trippe, David R. Burt, Ryan Giordano, Kaushik Srinivasan, Tamay Özgökmen, Junfei Xia, Tamara Broderick
Title: From trees to rain: Enhancement of cloud glaciation and precipitation by pollen.
The ability of pollen to enable the glaciation of supercooled liquid water
has been demonstrated in laboratory studies; however, the potential large-scale
effect of trees and pollen on clouds, precipitation and climate is pressing
knowledge to better understa [...]
Authors: Jan Kretzschmar, Mira Pöhlker, Frank Stratmann, Heike Wex, Christian Wirth, Johannes Quaas
Title: Vertical-slice ocean tomography with seismic waves.
Seismically generated sound waves that propagate through the ocean are used
to infer temperature anomalies and their vertical structure in the deep East
Indian Ocean. These T waves are generated by earthquakes off Sumatra and
received by hydrophone stations off Diego Garcia and Cape Leeuwin. Between
repeating earthquakes, a T [...]
Authors: Jörn Callies, Wenbo Wu, Shirui Peng, Zhongwen Zhan
Title: A machine-learning approach to thunderstorm forecasting through post-processing of simulation data.
Thunderstorms pose a major hazard to society and economy, which calls for
reliable thunderstorm forecasts. In this work, we introduce SALAMA, a
feedforward neural network model for identifying thunderstorm occurrence in
numerical weather prediction (NWP) d [...]
Authors: Kianusch Vahid Yousefnia, Tobias Bölle, Isabella Zöbisch, Thomas Gerz
Title: Connecting finite-time Lyapunov exponents with supersaturation and droplet dynamics in the bulk of a turbulent cloud.
The impact of turbulent mixing on the droplet size distribution is studied
deep inside a warm ice-free cloud. A simplified cloud mixing model was
implemented therefore which summarizes the balance equations of water vapor
mixing ratio and temperature to an effective advection- [...]
Authors: Vladyslav Pushenko, Jörg Schumacher
Title: Gaussian processes at the Helm(holtz): A more fluid model for ocean currents.
Oceanographers are interested in predicting ocean currents and identifying
divergences in a current vector field based on sparse observations of buoy
velocities. Since we expect current dynamics to be smooth but hig [...]
Authors: Renato Berlinghieri, Brian L. Trippe, David R. Burt, Ryan Giordano, Kaushik Srinivasan, Tamay Özgökmen, Junfei Xia, Tamara Broderick
Title: Towards Learned Emulation of Interannual Water Isotopologue Variations in General Circulation Models.
Simulating abundances of stable water isotopologues, i.e. molecules differing
in their isotopic composition, within climate models allows for comparisons
with proxy data and, thus, for testing hypotheses about past climate and
validati [...]
Authors: Jonathan Wider, Jakob Kruse, Nils Weitzel, Janica C. Bühler, Ullrich Köthe, Kira Rehfeld
Title: Long-term climate simulation in NorESM: burst-coupling the sediment in the BLOM/iHAMOCC ocean module.
In this report we set forth a simulation method for long-term simulations of
NorESM, the Norwegian Earth System Model. In this the sediment is repeatedly
decoupled and coupled to the ocean model (BLOM/iHAMOCC), a process called burst
coupling. Through this, the [...]
Authors: Marco van Hulten, Christoph Heinze, Jörg Schwinger, Jerry Tjiputra
Title: Long-term climate simulation in NorESM: burst-coupling the sediment in the BLOM/iHAMOCC ocean module.
In this report we set forth a simulation method for long-term simulations of
NorESM, the Norwegian Earth System Model. In this the sediment is repeatedly
decoupled and coupled to the ocean model (BLOM/iHAMOCC), a process called burst
coupling. Through this, the [...]
Authors: Marco van Hulten, Christoph Heinze, Jörg Schwinger, Jerry Tjiputra
Title: Measuring diameters and velocities of artificial raindrops with a neuromorphic dynamic vision sensor disdrometer.
Hydrometers that can measure size and velocity distributions of precipitation
are needed for research and corrections of rainfall estimates from weather
radars and microwave links. Existing video disdrometers measure drop size
distributions, but u [...]
Authors: Jan Steiner, Kire Micev, Asude Aydin, Jörg Rieckermann, Tobi Delbruck
Title: Measuring diameters and velocities of artificial raindrops with a neuromorphic dynamic vision sensor disdrometer.
Hydrometers that can measure size and velocity distributions of precipitation
are needed for research and corrections of rainfall estimates from weather
radars and microwave links. Existing video disdrometers measure drop size
distributions, but u [...]
Authors: Jan Steiner, Kire Micev, Asude Aydin, Jörg Rieckermann, Tobi Delbruck
Title: Wave Sequential Data Assimilation in Support of Wave Energy Converter Power Prediction.
Integration of renewable power sources into grids remains an active research
and development area, particularly for less developed renewable energy
technologies such as wave energy converters (WECs). WECs are projected to have
strong early market penetration for [...]
Authors: Mohammad Khalil, Carlos Michelén Ströfer, Kaustubha Raghukumar, Ann Dallman
Title: An experimental and theoretical investigation of HCN production in the Hadean Earth atmosphere.
A critical early stage for the origin of life on Earth may have involved the
production of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in a reducing, predominantly H$_2$
atmosphere. HCN is crucial for the origin of life as it is a possible precursor
to several biomolecules that make up RNA and proteins including [...]
Authors: Ben K. D. Pearce, Chao He, Sarah M. Hörst
Title: Towards Daily High-resolution Inundation Observations using Deep Learning and EO.
Satellite remote sensing presents a cost-effective solution for synoptic
flood monitoring, and satellite-derived flood maps provide a computationally
efficient alternative to numerical flood inundation models traditionally used.
While satellites do offer timely inundation information when they happen t [...]
Authors: Antara Dasgupta, Lasse Hybbeneth, Björn Waske
Title: Modeling wind-responsive diurnal sea surface temperature for cloud-resolving simulations.
The diurnal variability of sea surface temperature (SST) may play an
important role for cloud organization above the tropical ocean, with
implications for precipitation extremes, storminess, and climate sensitivity.
Recent cloud-resolving simulations demonstrate how imposed diurnal SST
oscill [...]
Authors: Reyk Börner, Jan O. Haerter, Romain Fiévet