When I was younger, yes, I know it's long time ago, probably pre teens, I can remember listening to the radio late at night in bed. We've all done it yes ? It was tuning round the MW band, usually listening to the fading signals from Radio Luxembourg. BTW Radio Luxembourg you have a lot to answer for with my music tastes.
Now I'm a tad older, I'm sat here with a gem of a radio (D808 XHDATA) listening to radio china from Beijing. Same principle but 50+ years apart.
#SWL #RadioLuxembourg #XHDATA
RT @RadioHacking
📢 Sorteo una radio de Onda Corta #XHDATA D-219, cortesía de @YanKat10. Si quieres participar tienes que hacer lo siguiente (solo hasta el 28/03/2023 a las 23:59):
✅Sigue esta cuenta @RadioHacking
✅Haz RT de este tweet
⚠️Solo asumo el coste de envío en España.
¡Suerte! 😉📻
Review: XHDATA D-219 Short Wave Radio Receiver https://hackaday.com/2023/03/15/review-xhdata-d-219-short-wave-radio-receiver/ #SiliconLabs #RadioHacks #Featured #Interest #Reviews #XHDATA #radio #sdr #swl
#siliconlabs #RadioHacks #Featured #Interest #reviews #xhdata #radio #sdr #swl
#XHDATA D-219... $7-13 USD?????????????
I know it's an "analogue" portable which is actually a DSP set tuned by knob and a latte dial, with no SSB... maybe there's something else wrong with it? 😂
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VESVmMkTb5U 📺 ⬅️ watching! #shortwave
UPDATE: just checked on the #XHDATA portable, and I'm shocked to find TalkSport dominant 😳 not that I'd find it wrong but a couple years back (the last time this tx was active was in Mar-Dec 2014 during ruZZia's 1st invasion of Donbas & annexation of Crimea, relaying Vesti FM), the signal was A LOT stronger. So it doesn't seem to be the advertised 1.2 MW. Now for the same effect, I'd need a KAZ 😂 #worlds2ndarmy #mediumwave #mwdx #russiaisaterroriststate
#russiaisaterroriststate #mwdx #mediumwave #worlds2ndarmy #xhdata
Desde alguna parte en el sur de España... Llega muy bien por aquí... Con poca antena, ¿estaremos cerca? #SWL #Radioescucha #ShortWave #OndaCorta @IndyRadiofm #XHDATA #Radioaficion #HamRadio #AmateurRadio
#amateurradio #hamradio #radioaficion #xhdata #ondacorta #shortwave #radioescucha #swl