Eryck Gu⸸⸸eЯaL · @GothFvck
27 followers · 380 posts · Server

This is my new favourite video. Thank you. 😂

Go ! 🎉 (better than 😝)

#mp3 #xiph

Last updated 1 year ago

smxi · @smxi
14 followers · 123 posts · Server

... ( con'd)
A few things acxi is NOT:
* a cd ripping tool. Check out , it does a good job for cli ripping tool.
* a media player
* a strong supporter of like or . It offers adequate, basic support, and that is it.

The focus is always going to be on mainly .org things like , , (to a lesser extent, since vorbis has moved all dev efforts to opus).

acxi will support the others enough to let you translate them to free codecs.

#acxi #abcde #nonfree #audio #codecs #aac #mp3 #xiph #vorbis #flac #opus #ogg

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
14 followers · 123 posts · Server

And is now in !

and that was picked up quite rapidly by .

I do not expect this to make any real difference, beyond maybe a few people discovering that acxi does something they find useful that might not otherwise have discovered that.

Here's to Free Audio, something not to be taken lightly or for granted, for without the tireless efforts of groups like .org and others, we would be in proprietary codec hell.

#acxi #slackbuilds #repology #xiph

Last updated 2 years ago

Guillaume 🦗 · @guillaume
63 followers · 624 posts · Server

This video on digital sampling is still extremely relevant:

I again saw a video today claiming that the quality of a digital signal degrades as you approach the Nyquist frequency (half of the sampling frequency). No. That's just not true. A band limited signal, containing information of to a frequency f, can be captured *exactly* by sampling it at any frequency larger than 2f. If you sample a band-limited signal according to this limit and then pass it through a digital to analogue converter you get *exactly the same thing* as you started with. Even if it contains data at 22 kHz and you sample it at 44.1 kHz. (But you really want it to contain nothing above 22.05 kHz or it will be aliased and you will definitely lose data).

# signal .org

#sampling #fourier #xiph #shannon #nyquist

Last updated 4 years ago

· @mray
512 followers · 2460 posts · Server

Monty did it again: Create awesome video material explaining theoretical stuff behind digital media. Makes me love even more. ❤️

There is also an older one


Last updated 7 years ago