Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
51 followers · 47 posts · Server

All the colours! ().

This is another program, which follows on from in many respects, and one which I recall using a lot!

is both a visualisation of all the colours availabe (via rgb.txt) as well as a means of seeing how background and foreground colours interact -- which is the main purpose of this program.

Originally written in 1989 by Paul Vixie (of cron(1) fame), the version here is written by Stephen Gildea, in 1991.

To this day, I did not have to modify the code, everything just worked!

It's a program written using Xt (the X Intrinsics Library).

Here are all the colours in their glory!

#colors #archaic #x11 #xmcolor #xcolors

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Adam · @thomasadam
43 followers · 39 posts · Server

It's application time!

This time, it's (the Motif Color Picker), written by Ti Kan. I believe this was written sometime in 1994. The embedded ident marker indicates: `@(#)xmcolor.c 1.11 94/12/05`

This was developed using Xt and , and provides a means of mixing one's own colours, as well as using pre-defined colours from `rgb.txt`. One could then select the hexadecimal string for that colour.

It operates on 8-bit colour-depth displays only, which is why I have been running this inside so I can emulate this.

To this day, it compiles just fine -- only very minor tweaking from myself. Not bad for a program that's ~28 years old!

I really like how simple and self-contained so many of these applications were, and how much of a teaching aid it meant for someone to write them. The source file has 1066 lines in it -- quite a lot when you consider how much of that is Xt/Xm boilerplate.

These days, you'd just use a colour-picker from google without giving it a second thought.

#archaic #x11 #xmcolor #motif #xephyr

Last updated 2 years ago