je tourne autour du pot
comment shooter le contenu du noeud parent quand la value d'un des enfants vaut xxx ...
J'ai la requete #xpath menant à l'enfant mais j'ai besoin de shooter le frere (et le parent) :P
avec #ansible une fois sur l'enfant on peut pas lui dire de supprimer le pere et les gosses ?
XQuery is a declarative language for querying hierarchical data (nigh-always XML); BaseX is a truly excellent XQuery processor. OxygenXML Editor is a truly excellent starts-with-X development IDE. BUT! BaseX has not been integrated into Oxygen.
If you have any idea what I'm on about, please consider wandering by the feature request page for oXygen and asking for BaseX integration. Apparently they do count the votes when planning new features.
#basex #oxygenxml #neepery #xquery #xpath
Kompakte Referenz zu #XSLT 3.1 → 3.0 (3.1 ist die aktuelle #XPath-Version) mit Beispielen.
Ok, I'm modifying a #groovy based #Jenkins build script to read an #xpath value from an #xml file, and I'm a little disappointed that my google search for "groovy example to read XML xpath" didn't turn up a Go tutorial from Cheech Marin or Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
Like far out man, so like first define a new XmlSlurper. Slurper? Scoob, I could totally slurp me some tacos right now! Let me just gpath to the taco truck node! *Ruh-roh Raggy. rynrax rexcreption.*
I have a bunch of tasks in a bunch of issues that need to get done. I found that #GitHub doesn't expose the #TaskLists in the #API, so I used the @rOpenSci #RStats package {tinkr} (by myself and @maelle) to parse out these tasks with the power of #XPath and #XML
#github #tasklists #api #rstats #xpath #xml
This cheat sheet is by a practicing web developer (namely, yours truly), so grab it now:
#cybersecurity #tech #networking #cybersec #infosec #infosecurity #network #security #data #techcommunity #devsecops #devops #developer #dev #xpath #web #webapp #webdev #app #appdev
#appdev #app #webdev #webapp #web #xpath #dev #developer #devops #devsecops #techcommunity #data #security #network #infosecurity #infosec #cybersec #networking #tech #cybersecurity
Guten Morgen in die Runde.
Kennt ihr das?
Ihr arbeitet Stundenlang an einer Lösung für einer Sache (bei mir #xpath Abfrage). Nix hat funktioniert.
Abends auf dem Sofa fällt einem die vermutliche Lösung ein.
Jetzt kann ich es kaum erwarten das zu testen. Nun aber nur noch kurz die Tochter zur Schule begleiten und dann heißt es PC an und ran.
Why does this xpath query not work in Event Viewer in Windows 10? #logs #eventlogs #windows #xpath #security
#logs #eventlogs #windows #xpath #security
But you can parse any XML file with #XPath and #regex
You can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular…
@Kaedu00 como um #Monocular / quase #Cego, ativista de #SoftwareLivre, #Acessibilidade, #NoScript / #NoJS, #Sustentabilidade e #Segurança, posso não ser experiente, mas com a evolução do #HTML e formas de processar #XML com #XPath e construir formulários do lado do servidor, então acho bom dar atenção ao processamento do lado do servidor e a #Padrões de #Interoperabilidade, pois os usuários têm se preocupado com a portabilidade de tudo, para qualquer servidor/fornecedor.
#monocular #cego #softwarelivre #acessibilidade #noscript #nojs #sustentabilidade #seguranca #html #xml #xpath #padroes #interoperabilidade
@igutierrez If I remember well, creating a quite rich *.PDF document from #XML sources, with graphics & logos, took only a few tens of lines in #XSL / #XSLT / #XPath / #XQuery.
It was 18 years ago, in the good, old times of first Web, PHP5, Sablotron, etc. So much time elapsed, that pls don't ask me for details 😁(albeit I got the source code somewhere). But I can always advice this series of books👇
Cheers! I hope I provided Food for Thought™ 😉
#xml #xsl #xslt #xpath #xquery #aspectprogramming
Man möchte #XPath >= 2.0 verwenden. Ansonsten wird es bekanntlich etwas kniffliger.
Update meines #tekom-Vortrages zu #XSLT und #XPath 4.0 bezüglich der Änderungen in #Saxon 12. Drei neue Folien sowie weitere Anmerkungen. <Have_Fun/>!
Today, a post got published to #reddit r/netsec, concerning a DOS and arbitrary code execution #vulnerability in #XML when parsing it with #Java's #XMLReader. Though correct, maybe hyperbolic: the problem is not limited to Java, and it's possible nobody in the field uses that class. When I first learned about it, years ago, I switched from automated XML parsing to dedicated #XPath-based parsing. That's more cumbersome, for sure, but also more #secure.
#reddit #vulnerability #xml #java #xmlreader #xpath #secure