Regen und Sturm draußen. Dann halt zu Hause fliegen. Wird Zeit für einen neuen Rechner, auf dem X-plane 12 läuft.
#flightsim #xplane #xplane11
Teetä ja Tampere-Helsinki. Yksi höpöistä harrastuksistani, lentäminen. Tämän ympäristövaikutukset ovat aika pieniä 👌🏻
#xplane11 #lentosimulaattori #flightsimulator
6 years ago(!) on this date DreamFoil Creations released their amazing Bell 407 for X-Plane! To this day, it's still one of the best -- if not the best -- helicopters for the sim!
Find our article here:
#throwbackthursday #flightsim #xplane #xplane11
Short but sweet! This week's Weekly FlyBy video is out. Not a lot going on but you may be able to grab some nice helicopters at half price. Enjoy!
#flightsim #xplane #xplane11 #xplane12
SwissCreations released Alpine Hoist for X-Plane 11:
#flightsim @XPlaneOfficial #xplane #xplane11
>"What's on your mind?"
#Xplane11 stopped working, had to re-install and start the "make it my own" steps - that'll take some days. Got my display settings, my #LongEZ airplane, and one joystick profile setup for a quick pattern/circuit at my local #airportKLNA
#xplane11 #LongEZ #airportKLNA
@xplaneofficial What happened with x-plane since last post on Oct 8?
(Why no post that X-Plane12 beta 11 dropped? )
#xplane11 #XPlane12 #LongEZ #CabriG2 #airportKLNA
@davep interesting to watch. It seemed head tracking VR was useful at preflight. didn’t detect much head spinning situation awareness fighting. Never flown VR. Was assuming sit aware to be the really big plus of VR, (judging turn to base and final in my case). Never had trouble in a real planes, but sim with top hat view control doesn’t sink in for me. I fly #Mac / #xplane11 so VR is not available. In your sim it seamed like the AA was ineffective or were you flying based on the tracers?
eGPU fixed today!
(#SonnetBreakawayBox with #RadeonRX580 8GB #GPU power supply probably died from 4 years of dust accumulation)
Major surgery to replace burned out 350W power supply with physically larger 550W supply was a success.
#XPlane11 on #MacMini2018 does 4K photorealistic scenery at 25FPS
#SonnetBreakawayBox #RadeonRX580 #gpu #xplane11 #macmini2018
Take to the air, if you dare, with Uncle Hamish Airlines. #LinuxGaming #Xplane11 #Faffing #Crashing
#crashing #faffing #xplane11 #linuxgaming
Sunday flight to KCYS
#flightsim #xplane #xplane11 #b58 #beechcraft #baron #baron58
#flightsim #xplane #xplane11 #b58 #beechcraft #baron #baron58