Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS xRDP keeps killing existing remote sessions #remotedesktop #xrdp
How to install a desktop GUI on WSL2? #2204 #xfce #windowssubsystemforlinux #remotedesktop #xrdp
#xfce #windowssubsystemforlinux #remotedesktop #xrdp
Okay, question: what about #Windows11 would make Windows #RDP and #xrdp show a black desktop with a mouse pointer when you login?
It's happening in #RaspberryPiOS and #Debian.
#windows11 #rdp #xrdp #RaspberryPiOS #debian
Cannot connect to Ubuntu 22.04 through RDP #networking #server #2204 #remotedesktop #xrdp
#networking #server #remotedesktop #xrdp
Can I configure Ubuntu Server 22.x to be accessed via xRDP or VNC and present the same full-featured Gnome UX as Ubuntu Desktop? #remotedesktop #vnc #xrdp
Java crashed with an unrecoverable error, now xrdp crashes with "oh no, something has gone wrong" #xrdp
Ubuntu-XRDP has broken text #windowssubsystemforlinux #xrdp
#windowssubsystemforlinux #xrdp
Diagnosing why xrdp fails to start the service after boot #server #remotedesktop #xrdp
I was going to use #AnyDesk but they don't support #Wayland! #xRDP allows for creating new sessions but can't connect to existing sessions (opposite of new, built-in functionality).
imho, #VNC is getting old and clunky.
I'd consider #TeamViewer but they are quite expensive for the individual user.
#anydesk #wayland #xrdp #vnc #teamviewer
Difficulty using GPU-passthrough and xrdp #kvmvirtualization #ubuntugnome #xrdp
#kvmvirtualization #ubuntugnome #xrdp