Was Benjamin Franklin the first to incorporate colored fiber into currency? - Enlarge / Khachatur Manukyan and colleagues at the University of Notre ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1954593 #ramanspectroscopy #benjaminfranklin #spectroscopy #xrfmapping #currency #science #history #physics
#physics #history #science #currency #xrfmapping #spectroscopy #benjaminfranklin #ramanspectroscopy
Ars Technica: Was Benjamin Franklin the first to incorporate colored fiber into currency? https://arstechnica.com/?p=1954593 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Ramanspectroscopy #BenjaminFranklin #spectroscopy #XRFmapping #currency #Science #History #Physics #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #ramanspectroscopy #benjaminfranklin #spectroscopy #xrfmapping #currency #science #history #physics
X-rays reveal hidden “first drafts” of ancient Egyptian paintings at Theban Necropolis - Enlarge / Portrait of Ramesses II in Nakhtamun tomb, Chief of the Altar... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1952836 #x-rayfluorescence #thebannecropolis #artconservation #ancientegypt #xrfmapping #chemistry #science #art
#art #science #chemistry #xrfmapping #ancientegypt #artconservation #thebannecropolis #x