@jwz Have you considered putting #xscreensaver under some sort of vcs? It would make contributing much easier and more accessible
Xscreensaver not locking automatically on OS Xubuntu 22.04 #upgrade #xubuntu #xscreensaver
#upgrade #xubuntu #xscreensaver
@joesteel #XScreenSaver by @jwz comes with jet-propelled #FlyingToasters: https://youtu.be/mLGDvtbFvfg
There is also a third-party saver that displays the classic wing-flapping model: https://github.com/torunar/flying-toasters-xscreensaver
java program in xscreensaver #java #screensaver #xscreensaver
#java #screensaver #xscreensaver
For whatever reason, my computer won't suspend or hibernate. I have generally assumed it has to do with using DisplayPort for my primary monitor and HDMI for my secondary... but never quite figured it out. It is not a big deal since I turn my computer off when I am not using it anyway. Instead of continuing to dig into the weeds... I decided to install Xscreensaver and enable almost all of the screensavers. Left my computer for about 20 minutes and returned to Pacman on my primary monitor and a dancing wireframe box on my secondary monitor. Highly recommended.
#linux #powermanagement #xscreensaver #xfce #endeavouros
The password box for #xscreensaver is different in #Debian 12, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. You can't just not change something for 20 years and then _change it_ on me.
systemctl: Failed to connect to bus #systemd #services #xscreensaver
#systemd #services #xscreensaver
Reloading the Screen Saver prefs seems to bring back all the things, and I can preview my favourite BSOD screen saver. Maybe it'll work now?
Saw a boost from @jwz yesterday about Xscreensaver being broken on Ventura... and realized I hadn't seen a BSOD since upgrading.
Just checked System Preferences -> Screen Saver and got this, followed by a completely empty Screen Saver panel in prefs. I can't even pick one of the standard macOS savers, there's nothing there.
#qa #quality #bsod #xscreensaver
I didn't know about i3lock-color until this moment!!!
> Part of the problem is that to my understanding wayland only recently got a proper locking protocol. Perhaps things will be getting better as lockers update with the new protocol.
I wonder what @jwz would think about Wayland's locking protocol. He's the author of #XScreensaver and I recall he was quite critical of the dodgy locking mechanism that Gnome was using a few years back
Isn't there something analogous to foot in the #X11 world?
Also, is swaylock the only locking program available? That would stink.
I only use i3lock on a single machine, just because it's the one I used first. It's kinda basic.
On this FreeBSD box, I use simple old xlock, which seems to be decent subset of the venerable #XScreensaver
@Kye @NanoRaptor
I've been using #xscreensaver since 1996, mostly on Linux. It has a really good "green text rainfall" option that was released a few days after the first Matrix movie.
Unable to login, blank screen does not revive, after upgrade to 22.04 #login #loginscreen #username #xscreensaver
#login #loginscreen #username #xscreensaver
how to stop gsd-screensaver from running in ubuntu 22 LTS #xscreensaver #gnomescreensaver
#xscreensaver #gnomescreensaver
Há sempre motivos para o #backintime diário.
Lâmpada de fibra de vidro, em voga nos anos 80 até princípios dos anos 90.
Faz parte também das imensas opções do #xscreensaver caso queiram decorar o vosso desktop :blobcatphoto:
TIL my 12y.o son doesn't know what an #xscreensaver is.
I've just come home and he was scared because my monitor suddenly started showing all sort of giberish while I was away, so he thought I was being hacked.
Well, he now knows.
Random useful tidbit of the day - if your laptop is getting screen burn-in (which can still happen!), you can fix it by running the LCD Scrub screensaver included with XScreenSaver. Works fantastic.
#linux #screensaver #xscreensaver #lcd #screen #laptop #monitor
#linux #screensaver #xscreensaver #lcd #screen #Laptop #monitor
The other week, I set up my xScreensaver config to pull images from the #Photography RSS feed on Mastodon. It’s been a wonderful experience seeing all kinds of new and interesting photos that constantly update and have fun effects.
I have a screen on the side of my case (long story) that displays xScreensaver during my workday. Cooler than some RGB LEDs for sure!
#photography #mastodon #xscreensaver #rss #foss #casemods