Ok I just spent 4 hrs debugging an XSL transform you guys.
I think I level'd up because I have this weird euphoric buzz.
Could also be the cold medication kicking in.
#wehatesit #xsl #TechnicalWriting
#GenerativeArt interlude
New release of the art code. The big thing things with this release are XSL versions of many of the core libraries and clickable docs for everything. Full details at https://mathling.com/code/index.html
#generativeart #xquery #xsl #svg
Well, here's a bit of a head scratcher, and I'm open to any suggestions of where to even begin to look: I have a test (#XSL run by #Saxon with Java) that works perfectly well when run on the command line, but not when I put that command line in a make file. For that matter, a completely identical test in #XQuery runs perfectly well in both cases.
The failure mode is "impossible": an assertion that two values are the same fails, but the error stack shows them to be, in fact, the same.
So... you haven't seen my #GenerativeArt interludes in some little while. I've been busy with my quixotic quest to run some my art code under #SaxonJS, which meant porting from #XQuery to #XSL, which meant making some tools to do that because I am that kind of lazy, which meant figuring out how to do Saxon Java extension functions, but! Mirabile Dictu, it works. It all works... except... I have some odd performance issues that only happen in SaxonJS that I'm having narrowing down. Disappointing.
#generativeart #saxonjs #xquery #xsl
@igutierrez If I remember well, creating a quite rich *.PDF document from #XML sources, with graphics & logos, took only a few tens of lines in #XSL / #XSLT / #XPath / #XQuery.
It was 18 years ago, in the good, old times of first Web, PHP5, Sablotron, etc. So much time elapsed, that pls don't ask me for details 😁(albeit I got the source code somewhere). But I can always advice this series of books👇
Cheers! I hope I provided Food for Thought™ 😉
#xml #xsl #xslt #xpath #xquery #aspectprogramming
#XSL, now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time: pretty cool how https://aboutfeeds.com/ provides a stylesheet that can be used to educate anyone who stumbles on an RSS url.
I really should explore static site generators some day.
I have experimented with the idea of directly using an RSS feed AS a blog website, and just having the browser turn it into HTML in real-time using an XSL stylesheet. It totally works, but XSL a weird archaic web technology nobody uses, so it might not work forever.
#webdev #rss #xsl #xslt #xml #blog
Quick post in reference to the last small patch to the Shinobi Website project.
What I've done tonight:
- Rewrote my RSS XML feed from scratch
- Added useful author information directly in each post, for easy contact information.
- Added a "reply via email" at the end of each post, visible on any RSS reader.
- Created a XSL file to style the feed page into a human readable format.
Thereby, I also found out, that XSL does not consistently support relative paths. 😞
I'm now solving this via stylesheet parameters,
where the Java program determines the relevant absolute paths before executing XSL.
le produit fini :) #HAL #OpenScience
unzip et ouvrez index.html dans le navigateur
j'ai joint :
- le script #python (à coller dans une cellule de #jupyter par exemple)
- un exemple de #txt avec des idhal_s
- la feuille #xsl qui traite les réponse de l'#API
#hal #openscience #python #jupyter #txt #xsl #api
I created my first Docker image on Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/chrwahl/fop
The image will run Apache FOP on Ubuntu. Always handy when you need to generate PDF files from XML. #ubuntu #apache #docker #dockerhub #xml #xsl #xslfo
#ubuntu #xsl #xslfo #apache #docker #dockerhub #xml
Un plugin maven bien pratique pour générer du Java à partir du XML
<br>— <a href="http://xsltmp.sourceforge.net/index.html" title="Direct link">Direct link</a> - https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/?ICwqlg #open-source #plugin #maven #java #xml #xsl
#open #plugin #maven #java #xml #xsl
Chouette référence XSLT 2
<br>— <a href="http://www.zvon.org/comp/r/ref-XSLT_2.html" title="Direct link">Direct link</a> - https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/?pmMinw #documentation #reference #xml #xsl
#documentation #reference #xml #xsl
Work stuff:
#infosec #security #cyber #writing #XML #Docbook #XSL
Family stuff:
#education #homeschooling #parenting #unschooling #braveschooling
For fun:
#blogging #math #science #tabletop #games #yarn #sewing #tinkering #music #reading
Less fun:
#celiac #glutenfree #gf #fodmaps #ibs
#infosec #cyber #writing #xml #docbook #xsl #education #homeschooling #parenting #braveschooling #blogging #math #science #games #yarn #sewing #tinkering #reading #celiac #glutenfree #gf #fodmaps #ibs
Work stuff:
#infosec #security #cyber #writing #XML #Docbook #XSL
Family stuff:
#education #homeschooling #parenting #unschooling #braveschooling
For fun:
#blogging #math #science #tabletop #games #yarn #sewing #tinkering #music #reading
Less fun:
#celiac #glutenfree #gf #fodmaps #ibs
#infosec #cyber #writing #xml #docbook #xsl #education #homeschooling #parenting #braveschooling #blogging #math #science #games #yarn #sewing #tinkering #reading #celiac #glutenfree #gf #fodmaps #ibs