FAQs on Bitemporality #xtdb #database
I have some problems with #XTDB via #Biff. My transaction time is 2 hours before my "Laptop time". I suppose but may be totally wrong that (xt/await-tx ...) does not work like expected bc of this. (java.util.Date.) gives me the same wrong time. Tried with JDK 8, 11, 17 and babashka. The same, so it's more likely some system/Linux thing and that is way beyond my level of competence :blob_confused: #Clojure
As cool as I think XTDB is (not the least the upcoming version 2.0), the liberation of Datomic is great news:
https://blog.datomic.com/2023/04/datomic-is-free.html #clojure #datomic #xtdb
A great #clojure discussion of #XTDB and others vs standard SQL. https://teddit.net/r/Clojure/comments/yj1oah/open_source_datomic/
It's been a while since I saw the @xtdb @xtdb_com front page, but it's looking great now as I did my first bit of workplace evangelism for the #xtdb database https://xtdb.com/ . It has potential for university humanities research projects.