I Wales oppdaga me at coop sitt X-Tra merke fÄr sjokoladekjeksen sin frÄ same plass som Euro Shopper i Storbritannia.
Same pakke (minus merkevare), same form, same smak! BĂ„e ein koseleg overrasking (eg likar godt kjeksen), og ei keisam ei (eg ville prĂžve lokal kjeks).
#norsktut #kjeks #storbritannia #xtra
Latest release of GrapheneOS replaces Qualcomm PSDS (XTRA) servers with a GrapheneOS server caching the data by default:
We've also fully removed the unnecessary User-Agent header instead of only removing the serial number from it as we did previously.
#grapheneos #qualcomm #xtra #psds #privacy
Latest release addresses the privacy issue brought to our attention by NitroKey with Qualcomm SoC devices by stopping xtra-daemon from sending the SoC serial number in the HTTPS User-Agent header:
We'll be removing the User-Agent header completely later.
#grapheneos #qualcomm #xtra #psds #privacy
Per our request, NitroKey has fixed one of the main issues in https://www.nitrokey.com/news/2023/smartphones-popular-qualcomm-chip-secretly-share-private-information-us-chip-maker. XTRA downloads are done by xtra-daemon in the OS, not firmware. It also does use HTTPS by default, but the OS can override the default URLs via gps.conf and some OSes do override to HTTP URLs.
#gnss #gps #xtra #psds #qualcomm
'Es hat also den Anschein, dass diese #Izat Cloud, von der wir noch nie gehört haben, Teil des XTRA-Dienstes ist, von dem wir ebenfalls noch nie gehört haben. Wir haben den Eindruck, dass #Qualcomm die Dinge gerne geheimnisvoll hÀlt, daher der Name Izat Cloud und der XTRA-Dienst.'
Eindeutige #ID
Name des #Chipsatz'es
#Seriennummer des Chipsatzes
Version der #XTRA-Software
LĂ€ndercode des Mobiltelefons
Code des #Mobilfunknetzes (zur Identifizierung des Landes und des Mobilfunkbetreibers)
Typ des #Betriebssystems und Version
GerÀtemarke und -modell
#Zeit seit dem letzten Start des Anwendungsprozessors und des Modems
Liste der #Software auf dem GerÀt
Der Bericht erschien zwar auf #nitrokey, einer Konkurrenz zu #murena #EOS, scheint aber gut recherchiert zu sein.
#degoogled #surveillance #Privacy #fairphone #eos #murena #nitrokey #ip #software #zeit #Betriebssystems #Mobilfunknetzes #xtra #seriennummer #chipsatz #id #qualcomm #izat
We've added another PSDS data cache at http://qualcomm.psds.grapheneos.org for devices using Qualcomm GNSS rather than Broadcom GNSS.
We plan to use this to implement our PSDS server toggle for Snapdragon Pixels and future Snapdragon devices we'll end up supporting.
#grapheneos #privacy #security #gnss #agnss #psds #xtra #qualcomm #broadcom
#grapheneos #privacy #security #gnss #agnss #psds #xtra #qualcomm #broadcom
"A âuniversalâ readership, which the Times still defines the same way it did 100 years ago, as a readership composed of white, straight, middle-class, politically centrist men. "
JudeDoyle@mastodon.lol - The anti-trans crusade at the New York Times is so sudden and so intense that it seems almost certain to stem from a personal agenda. So, whose agenda is it? At XTra, I tried to find out: https://xtramagazine.com/power/what-went-wrong-at-the-new-york-times-246409
#newyorktimes #nyt #transphobia #xtra #judedoyle #joekahn
Just #dandy ?
Loading ( codepen.io/ryedai1/full/ZEjXvxv ) in via
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var baseUrl = window.location.href.match(/(.*)[\/\\]/)[1];
$("#xtra").load(baseUrl + "/Extras.html");
<div class="formClass">
<div id="xtra">
Simply makes it go "Ă" and nope the flip out
Dunno why #CSS #overflow menus and #tooltips break so easy .
Are they made from ice ?
#dandy #xtra #css #overflow #tooltips
Feine App fĂŒr Twitch auf Android enteckt: #Xtra.
- Du kannst unangemeldet KanÀle abonnieren, Abo wird dann lokal gespeichert.
- Du kannst die App im Hintergrund laufen lassen, auch mit dunklem Bildschirm kannst du weiter Ton hören.
Gibt es im F-Droid Store oder auf GitHub: https://github.com/AndreyAsadchy/Xtra