Getting Started with xUnit for Unit Testing #dotnet #aspnetcore #xunit
#programming #coding #softwareengineering #softwaredeveloper #softwaredevelopment
#dotnet #aspnetcore #xunit #programming #coding #softwareengineering #softwaredeveloper #softwaredevelopment
Сегодня я поведал ( людям, что в тестах они могут использовать DI контейнер, а не мокать и стабать все без разбора ^_^
#dotnet #xUnit
My newest blog post demonstrates how to build #SynapseAnalytics pipelines test automation with #xunit and Azure #devops.
#synapseanalytics #xunit #devops
I was extremely annoyed at the fact that one particular Visual Studio project couldn’t run unit tests but apparently Visual Studio Code could with no problems.
Turns out Visual Studio NEEDS the Nuget package xunit.runner.console to run tests inside the test explorer.
Okay, I'm pretty happy with #xunit and #fluentassertions.
Check out this test:
First, I'm pleased with my cleverness when constructing a set of shorthand for building guesses to evaluate the responses.
Second, I love the syntax of FluentAssertions.
@WadeWegner I've read a lot about #xunit (IIRC it's from the same dev that made #NUnit ). It's a lot simpler to setup, but lacks some features that they feel promotes bad practices. I use NUnit at work with no complaints, but I've been using xUnit for my OSS projects since there's less ceremony (setups are constructors and teardowns are handled by implementing IDisposable)
Who says to never deploy on a Friday? We've got not just 1, but 2 new releases today!
First up, it's #TypeScript 5 support for our #UnitTesting/#TDD framework, #xunit.ts!
And a small security fix for our #GitHub org admin helper utility, #GitHubLabelSync:
Happy Friday!
#typescript #unittesting #xunit #github #githublabelsync
It's our first #OSS release since joining #mastodon!
#xunit.ts is a #TypeScript #UnitTesting framework, following standard xUnit patterns!
v1.3.2 adds support for Parcel v2, download it at
#oss #mastodon #xunit #typescript #unittesting
How is it that I’ve been doing #SoftwareDevelopment for almost thirty years and have never run into the acronym SUT (system under test) or seen it used as a variable name in tests until today?
Though I’m not a fan of TLAs (three-letter acronyms) as variable names.
#programming #coding #testing #SoftwareTesting #UnitTesting #xUnit
#softwaredevelopment #programming #coding #testing #softwaretesting #unittesting #xunit
I’m learning about writing unit tests. It feels like the elephant in the room I’ve been ignoring. It feels like there is a lot of leg work, especially for testing my db code but I’m hoping that as the app progresses and I write more tests they’ll feel more useful. Do you write and git commit your tests with your code changes or do you write your tests separately and treat them as separate commits? #git #UnitTesting #xunit #entityframework
#git #UnitTesting #xunit #entityframework
Is there a way within #xunit to skip a test or leave it as indeterminate during runtime? I understand why this is a bad idea, but have an integration test with a system that takes like 15 minutes to "release" and there's no point in reporting this a a failure. Ideally it could be marked as skipped so I still have statistics in CI/CD.
Acabo de montar un servicio a fuerza de data de prueba y xUnit en tiempo record. Yo pensé que necesitaría el sprint entero para esperar las especificaciones. :blobcatdance:
#xUnit has gotten so much better over the years. Thank you to all the maintainers for making it a breeze to work with.
If your #testing framework requires code that's significantly more arcane than the actual production code under test, you simply failed at designing a testing framework.
#testing #csharp #xunit #programming #sadtruths
That was fun.
#guile #scheme #xunit #tdd #testdrivendevelopment
Had to do a coding test for an interview. They were a little hesitant since I wasn't "hands-on" for quite some time.
Went from nothing installed to my laptop to running #xUnit tests within #VSCode. Some of the answers were a bit rough due to the time constraint, but I felt pretty good on the unit test coverage.
I also sent a github link for the code in addition to just pasting the responses.
Now scheduled for the next round of interviewing. I think I showed them I was hands on enough. 😉