"Cunosc o persoană dragă mie, un prieten de la mine din suflet...sunt eu!"
#xwords #xworlds #xportal #hypergrowthx #succes #rabdare #curaj #actiune #lupta #izvorinterior #izvordecunoastere #liniste #silence #words #books #dreams
#xwords #xworlds #xportal #hypergrowthx #succes #rabdare #curaj #actiune #lupta #izvorinterior #izvordecunoastere #liniste #silence #words #books #dreams
"Succesul nu este cheia fericirii, fericirea este cheia succesului. Dacă iubești ceea ce faci, vei avea succes." - Albert Schweitzer.
#xwords #xworlds #xportal #hypergrowthX #multiversx #succes #curaj #actiune #izvorinterior #izvordecunoastere #liniste #silence #action #words #books #dreams
#xwords #xworlds #xportal #hypergrowthx #multiversx #succes #curaj #actiune #izvorinterior #izvordecunoastere #liniste #silence #action #words #books #dreams
Okay I solved the NYT xword today, and I loved the idea, and I enjoyed the solve.*
But what was the point? Couldn't they attach an actual them to the mechanic? Or am I missing something?
#xwords #nytcrossword #crosswords
(*I enjoy most solves that are relatively easy for me -- I'm sure that says something about my psyche that we don't need to get into right now).
#crosswords #nytcrossword #xwords